Hangman profile picture


"Poetry exists to give the socially awkward a way to be finally applauded by their peers" -Trenchard

About Me

I was born an african american cliff jumper in the east andes . . . . .but war changes a man. ..

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My Interests

Actin' a fool, art, comic books, pool, poetry, bad movies, indy movies, taking random pictures of myself, etc.

I'd like to meet:

People who will laugh with me and not at me, well at least not within earshot.

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Atmosphere, AC/DC, Barenaked Ladies, Beasties, Beck, Better than Ezra, Blessed Union, Blink, Blues Traveler, Bon Jovi, the Boss, Cake, Cornershop, Creedence, Digital Underground, Eve 6, Everclear, Goo Goo, Good Charlotte, Green day, GNR, Harry Chapin, Imperial Drag, ICP, J. Satriani, J. Mellencamp, Journey, Jump Little Children, Kid Rock, L. Zepplin, Linkin Park, Lit, Live, Marc Cohn, M. Manson, Meatloaf, Melissa Ethridge, Meredith Brooks, Metallica, the Crue, Nas, NIN, Non-Prophets, Op Ivy, P.O.D, Pat Benetar, Poison, Prince, Pushmonkey, Rage, Rancid, Reel Big Fish, RUN-DMC, Sage Francis, Sol.Illaquists of Sound, Soul Asylum, Spacehog, Sponge, SUM 41, THE D, Bloodhound, Chemical Bros,the Cure, the Foo, Gorillaz, Offspring, Chilli Peppers, Pumpkins, the Who, TMBG, 3eb, Tom Cochrane, Tonic, Van Halen, Werid Al, amongst many others


Princess bride, Labrynth, eternal sunshine, big fish, life aquatic, poolhall junkies, bowling for columbine, empire records, clue, spirited away, clerks, high fidelity, the professional, mallrats, hot fuzz, grindhouse. . .bad movies: ford fairlane, ice pirates, the wraith, the stuff, mean guns, rollerbabies, bmx bandits, rad, blood of heroes, split second


while you were out, in a fix, mythbusters, CSI, pimp my ride, LOST, Heroes


Hellboy (BPRD), Mage, Promethea, Lone wolf, Y the last man standing, American Gods, Dude wheres my country, Concrete, Ex Machina, Teenager from Mars, Barry Ween, Pedro and Me, Gotham Central, the Long Halloween, Dawn, Sin City, Song of the Lioness, My Ishmael, the Story of B


Mike Mignola, Matt Wagner, P. Craig Russel, Kevin Smith, Neil Gaiman, Robert Rodriguez, Alan Moore, Judd Winnick, Marvin Lee Aday, Frank Miller, John Cusack, Micheal Moore, BKV, Jim Mahfood, Clive Owen, Bob Noberini

My Blog

Playing Pool

So as many of you may or may not know I LOVE PLAYING POOL!!I had been in a league with my co-worker George for a while but found that league play lost its luster early on.  I want to be able to g...
Posted by Hangman on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:04:00 PST


I do not agree with ALL of these, but alot are very funny and VERY true.  And to think a woman orginally posted this . . .maybe there really is a god after all.50 Mistakes Women Make When Having ...
Posted by Hangman on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:40:00 PST


Ok i give upi need dental surgeryi have tried to ignore the pain for far too long but downing advil like candy on a daily basis is not healthy and wanting to take a hammer to my teeth to relieve the p...
Posted by Hangman on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:10:00 PST

food, clothes, medicine cause hungry naked, sick, sucks!

So starting on thurs afternoon and lasting till at least now at 4 am on sunday the 18th of march i have had severe flu conditions. Even though my temp was at 101.3 on fri morning i ventured into work ...
Posted by Hangman on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:00:00 PST

its not easy being green

My friend Marlena Acrylick Alchemicalposted some ninja turtle love on her pics page and i felt the need to post some pics of my ownits not easy being green . . . ...
Posted by Hangman on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:11:00 PST

my life revisited

(I am trying this blog againapparently when pasting text from another source into the blog entry space it copies over certain paragraphs at random and the source code bleeds thru into the blog as well...
Posted by Hangman on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:45:00 PST

home remedies

Not too sure if these work or not, but can't hurt right? 1. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear. When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick. Now, as an adult, you can still appreciat...
Posted by Hangman on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:20:00 PST

liquid terror plot

http://www.wonkette.com/politics/dancing-with-the-stars/can- we-please-bring-our-damned-coffee-on-the-plane-again-idiots- 201784.php   You don't have to be a laboratory scientist or explosives ex...
Posted by Hangman on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:05:00 PST

from the mind of one of the greatest writers around

from the mind of Warren Ellis   I still get asked with appalling regularity "where my ideas come from." Here's the deal. I flood my poor ageing head with information. Any information. Lots of ...
Posted by Hangman on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:04:00 PST

atheism in america

The New Naysayers In the midst of religious revival, three scholars argue that atheism is smarter. By Jerry Adler Newsweek Sept. 11, 2006 issue - Americans answered the atrocities of September 11,...
Posted by Hangman on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:01:00 PST