Actin' a fool, art, comic books, pool, poetry, bad movies, indy movies, taking random pictures of myself, etc.
People who will laugh with me and not at me, well at least not within earshot.
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Atmosphere, AC/DC, Barenaked Ladies, Beasties, Beck, Better than Ezra, Blessed Union, Blink, Blues Traveler, Bon Jovi, the Boss, Cake, Cornershop, Creedence, Digital Underground, Eve 6, Everclear, Goo Goo, Good Charlotte, Green day, GNR, Harry Chapin, Imperial Drag, ICP, J. Satriani, J. Mellencamp, Journey, Jump Little Children, Kid Rock, L. Zepplin, Linkin Park, Lit, Live, Marc Cohn, M. Manson, Meatloaf, Melissa Ethridge, Meredith Brooks, Metallica, the Crue, Nas, NIN, Non-Prophets, Op Ivy, P.O.D, Pat Benetar, Poison, Prince, Pushmonkey, Rage, Rancid, Reel Big Fish, RUN-DMC, Sage Francis, Sol.Illaquists of Sound, Soul Asylum, Spacehog, Sponge, SUM 41, THE D, Bloodhound, Chemical Bros,the Cure, the Foo, Gorillaz, Offspring, Chilli Peppers, Pumpkins, the Who, TMBG, 3eb, Tom Cochrane, Tonic, Van Halen, Werid Al, amongst many others
Princess bride, Labrynth, eternal sunshine, big fish, life aquatic, poolhall junkies, bowling for columbine, empire records, clue, spirited away, clerks, high fidelity, the professional, mallrats, hot fuzz, grindhouse. . .bad movies: ford fairlane, ice pirates, the wraith, the stuff, mean guns, rollerbabies, bmx bandits, rad, blood of heroes, split second
while you were out, in a fix, mythbusters, CSI, pimp my ride, LOST, Heroes
Hellboy (BPRD), Mage, Promethea, Lone wolf, Y the last man standing, American Gods, Dude wheres my country, Concrete, Ex Machina, Teenager from Mars, Barry Ween, Pedro and Me, Gotham Central, the Long Halloween, Dawn, Sin City, Song of the Lioness, My Ishmael, the Story of B
Mike Mignola, Matt Wagner, P. Craig Russel, Kevin Smith, Neil Gaiman, Robert Rodriguez, Alan Moore, Judd Winnick, Marvin Lee Aday, Frank Miller, John Cusack, Micheal Moore, BKV, Jim Mahfood, Clive Owen, Bob Noberini