Joe profile picture


I know you want some of this.

About Me

I like to walk through my yard and stomp on mushrooms. It makes me feel like Mario.

My Interests

Movies, video games, metal (mostly thrash, death and grind, no mallcore), books, computers, reptiles, food (everything tastes better with Sriracha on it), masturbation.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone I care to meet has already been met.




A Better Tomorrow, Brother, Bullet in the Head, Chungking Express, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Days of Being Wild, Drunken Master II, Eastern Condors, Fist of Legend, Five Deadly Venoms, Full Contact, Hard Boiled, Heart of Dragon, Hero, Ichi the Killer, In the Line of Duty IV, In the Mood For Love, Infernal Affairs, The Killer, Mr. Vampire, Musa, Oldboy, Once Upon a Time in China 1 & 2, Ong Bak, Police Story, Prodigal Son, Shaolin Soccer, Sonatine, Versus, Who Am I?, Wing Chun, Alien, Aliens, Amelie, Big Trouble in Little China, Blade Runner, Blow, Boondock Saints, Braveheart, The Breakfast Club, A Bronx Tale, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Carlito's Way, Casino, The Crow, Die Hard, El Dorado, Equilibrium, Forrest Gump, Gangs of New York, Gladiator, The Godfather 1 & 2, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Goodfellas, High Plains Drifter, Irreversible, Jaws, The Karate Kid, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, The Magnificent Seven, Mallrats, The Matrix, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider, Platoon, Pulp Fiction, Rear Window, Red River, Requiem For a Dream, Reservoir Dogs, Rio Bravo, Rocky, Scarface, Shenendoah, The Sons of Katie Elder, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Tombstone, Unleashed, The Usual Suspects, 28 Days Later, Black Christmas (original), Dawn of the Dead (both versions), Day of the Dead, The Evil Dead, The Exorcist, The Fog (original), Friday the 13th 1 & 2, Halloween 1 & 2, Land of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead (both versions), A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Omen (original), Damien: Omen II, Poltergeist, Return of the Living Dead, The Shining, Sleepaway Camp, Suspiria, The Thing, Howl's Moving Castle, The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, Kiki's Delivery Service, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Toy Story


OZ, The Shield, The Sopranos, Heroes, Smallville, Rome, Batman: TAS, Superman: TAS, Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Batman Beyond, Thundercats, Voltron, Transformers, Beast Wars, Weeds, NewsRadio, Arrested Development


I used to like Stephen King a lot, but he really hasn't written anything good in the last 12 years or so other than the Dark Tower series, and the last three books of that weren't so great, either. Michael Crichton, Terry Pratchett, Elmore Leonard, Robert R. McCammon, Augusten Burroughs, lots of non-fiction (reptiles, computers, organized crime, etc), HARRY POTTER!


The following people are ultra-cool, although I wouldn't go so far as to call them my heroes: Bruce Lee, Greg Graffin, Audie Murphy, John Carpenter.

My Blog


She's only been gone since Friday night, but I miss Kelly immensely. It's bad enough that there's almost a thousand miles between us, but not even being able to talk to her is even worse.In other news...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:41:00 PST

Well, I'm home...sort of.

It doesn't really feel like home anymore. Not without her. I started to miss her as soon as the bus pulled away. I went in one direction and she went in another. It was hard not to yell at the bus dri...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 05:25:00 PST

10 more hours.

That's how long before my bus leaves. I should be getting some sleep, but I'm too wired. My tummy is too full of butterflies. I spent about two hours shaving and showering tonight, which for me, is a ...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:45:00 PST


That is all.
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:13:00 PST

"...I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity."

It's quarter after 6 in the morning at Chow's house, and I can't sleep. I have so much running through my head right now, and I want to share it all with her. It'll have to wait until Sunday night, th...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 03:19:00 PST

What's next?

Hell if I know. Whatever it is, it's worth it. It's worth every bit of pain that I've felt lately, because of the closeness I feel to her right now. It's worth it because she's worth it. I've realized...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:10:00 PST

Nothing new to report.

My misery might be public domain at this point, but this? This is all mine. This is all for me. And hopefully, for us.
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:22:00 PST

Please let the music play again.

After all the conversation and progress from this week, it feels like I just took another step back. And I can't afford to do that. I wish I could realize that I was about to be stupid before I did it...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:46:00 PST

I started an offline journal today.

There are things that aren't meant to be shared with everyone. The only person I will ever show it to is her, if she wants to see it.
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:26:00 PST

Someone asked me today why I love her so much.

I was immediately incredulous, maybe even angry, that I was even being asked. It just feels so normal and right - so second nature - and it has for so long, that it felt weird, and almost offensive, t...
Posted by Joe/Hog/Fat Mooka on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 04:26:00 PST