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Be united. Don't pass by without a care. Never forget your past. Love eachother, be tight.

About Me

Hi, my name is Tatevik but my Russian friends call me Tato. I'm a circus performer, I do a lot of traveling all over the world and I have lived in many countries, so it's hard for me to say where I'm from. I'll put it this way, by nationality I'm Armenian, I was born in Armenia while my parents were performing there and one month later we moved to work in city Grozny, Chechnya. So ever since then, I've been traveling with my Family to many different cities and countries. You can say that originally I'm from Russia since I'm a Russian citizen, I also lived in Bulgaria for seven years until I was about ten, there I had many friends from the circus.... Now I live in Florida, I have been travelling across the US for 4 years now and I really like it here. I made a lot of new friends here and I'm always happy to make new ones. I love being a circus performer I have been performing almost my whole life, for about 17 years to be exact, ever since I was 3 years old. I'm work with almost my whole Family (except for my 6 year old baby sis). I have two awesome sisters and I think that what my older sister does is amazing, she started performing when she was 2. I'm also planing on going for computer programming, I really like it and it's something I see myself doing in the future. But even when I become a programmer I will never leave the circus. To be a circus performer was not something I choose to be, I it was something that choose me, because I was born in a circus Family and I must say that almost all kids that are born in circus Families, are going by their parents footsteps(not all of them though). Ever since we were babies my father was practicing with me and my sis. My debut was in city Minsk, Belarus, I was assisting to one illusionist. Later when I was four years old I started working in the limbo act, together with my Family. Today, I work the limbo act with my Family, juggling on Rolla-bola (juggling and balancing on cylinders at the same time), contortion in a box with my sister and I also work as a clown with my dad, when we do our own show for almost two hours. My life as a circus performer made me realize that without practice, nothing ever can be accomplished, that is why I must practice every day a minimum of two hours, in order to upgrade my work by learning new tricks and also to support what I already can do. Especially juggling, because juggling is a very ungrateful genre, if I don't practice at least one day, the next day I'm in trouble lol. Many people have been asking me, which country did I like better, but I could never choose, because they are all different and each country has its own unique beauty. Throughout all these years in the circus, I have met many different people from the places we have worked in, and I must say that circus performers are unlike many people. When I was little, allot of my friends from the circus were adults, no mater what age we are we always have something to talk about, because we all have one thing in comment. OK that's all for now, cause if I continue writing it might turn out to be a book lol ^_^Little improvisation with the duduk
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Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?

My Interests

Circus, Technology, Music, Sports, History.
The new music I composed
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I'd like to meet:

All my friends from my childhood.

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I love to play music and I love to listen little bit of everything but mostly Rock and Classic, I especially like Metallica and the music of Djivan Gasparyan.
"Duduk, The Sound Of A Prayer." A BBC program about duduk. ....one
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The video clip of our show

Add to My Profile | More VideosComedy, action and history related movies.


A Russian comedy show called KVN, it's more of a competition between different teems.


My favorite book is called "Dead Souls" written by one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19-Th century Nickolai Gogol.


Jesus and my Family.
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