ummmm, lets see.. dancing and drinking and the sharks.. having fun and being a complete loser.. my friends and everything to do with any of them..the beach and rowing.. singing and annoying ppl with my talentless singing voice.. laughing at things that are funny and those that arent.. etc and etc..
someone who would like to pay to build the new club i have designed.. it is called Snemrac Yzaels.. My club includes good music, there will be cheap drinks (cos seriously u cant tell me that in order to make a profit places have to charge like $10 for a smirnoff, piss off..), there will be huge dancefloors (cos squishy pushy dancefloors are the worst) complete with many podiums, every now and again there will be theme nights and karaoke nights, anyone who seriously thinks they are 20 times greater then everyone else in the world is refused entry, drinks ARE allowed to be taken on the non pushy dancefloor filled with awesome music (in plastic cups, cos glass in ur feet is never good), in another room there will be a massive tv that has football games on and many lounges, while u are in this room the only talk is to be about footy, you ARE allowed to wear thongs, the girls toilets will be twice the size of the males (for obvious reasons.. i dunno if anyone has ever realised, but guys dont need as much space to pee as what girls do..) and there will be curtosy buses that take u home on the hour evey hour, they WILL go to helensburgh and just for u stacey, to the gong, there will be vomit buckets in the bathroom and a timeout/nap room complete with matrasses and pillows that u can go sleep it off instead of having to go home when u have had one too many (both curtosy of alyse, good thinkin 99).. any suggestions for me to add to Snemrac Yzeals are welcome..
anything i can sing and dance to!!.. ps.. best song of ALL time dennis leary, asshole.. FUNNIEST SONG!!
grease.. nothing more to be said
greys anatomy.. prison break.. and last but CERTAINLY not leat what about brian!!
harry potter.. haha, yes im well aware of my nerdyness
hmmmmmm... i dont think i really have a hero.. ill let u kno if i come up with one though..