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About Me

I am "beautifully human", perfectly imperfect. I thoroughly enjoy life... the ups and the downs... and fight hard to grow and learn. I feel like my life has a purpose, and that is to love and help people. I'm now an almost full fledged Physician Assistant, so give me a jingle if you are worried about that rash or cough or drip or anything of the sorts. Well here are some fun Rabia facts for you: 1) I was born in Marquette, MI at home and weighed 10 pounds 2) I was named after a Muslim saint, Rabia of Basra, that lived in a brothel 3) In first grade I told my teacher, "I look like my mom, but I fart like my dad"... incredibly profound and absolutely true! 4) In middle school I got into a fist-fight with a boy because he called me flat chested... puberty is the best revenge! 5) In high school I was voted "Class Clown" and "Most Likely to Marry a Supermodel" ... Ummm yeah, still waiting for the rewards of that last honor. 6) I once lost a wet T-shirt contest to a girl in a wheelchair. 7) My dream job is to work at a reproductive health clinic... "Rabia Zalewski, at your cervix." 8) I think farts are funny. 9) I was the Reverend at my friend Kate's wedding, so if you need your sins forgiven, holla at your girrrl! 10) I have a divine romantic relationship with God and it is completely and utterly satisfying! Often people don't get it, because I don't go to church and I claim no religion but I found this quote and it explains my beliefs pretty well: "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." -Dalai LamaI can't wait until I can afford a Nathlie Provosty painting one day! http://www.nathlieprovosty.com/

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Green bird - Image Hosting

My Interests

Trust me... I'm cool and I like to do cool things.

I'd like to meet:

Meher Baba said "Love the One in the many and not the many in the One" so... I would like to meet the God that exists in every one of you! I especially love people who can make me laugh and like to give me hugs. I want to meet people that seek the truth within themselves and aren't afraid to embrace the good in the world. "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -Plato


Lauryn Hill, Jill Scott, Floetry, Common, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Gangstarr, Bilal, Outkast, Goodie MOB, The Roots, Little Brother, Pharcyde, Etta James, Patsy Cline, Linda Rondstat, Dolly Parton, Lucinda Williams, Leela James, Ani Difranco, Fiona Apple, India Arie, Biggie, Tupac, Bill Withers, Ray Charles, Kanye West, Anthony Hamilton, Damian Marley, Bonnie Raitt, John Legend, Lupe Fiasco, Gnarles Barkley, Amy Winehouse, Corrine Bailey Rae


Love stories, documentaries and comedies. Here's some of the best... The Notebook, Something the Lord Made, City of God, The Count of Monte Cristo, Ray, Mean Girls, Wedding Crashers, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Born Into Brothels, Ghandi, My Cousin Vinny, Girlhood, Knocked Up, Favela Rising.


The Wire, Family Guy, Dave Chapelle Show, Intervention, Extreme Makeover, Extreme Home Makeover, VH1 Soul, Discovery Health


A Return to Love, A Woman's Worth, No Disrespect, Not We but One, The Audacity of Hope


Meher Baba (or Zoraster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad). Seriously, if you don't know you better ask somebody....! Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Barack Obama

My Blog

Meher Baba’s teaching on Sex

Posted by Rabia on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:33:00 PST

I'm worth it.

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question, "What kind of man are you looking for?"She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking. "Do you really ...
Posted by Rabia on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 06:36:00 PST

Meher Baba QUOTES

"The prayer God hears is the prayer from the heart, that raising of the heart, that suffering of the heart - that is what God pays attention to.  It is better not to worship if you cannot do so w...
Posted by Rabia on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:56:00 PST

How to Love God

HOW TO LOVE GOD Meher Baba   To love God in the most practical way is to love our fellow beings. If we feel for others in the same way as we feel for our own dear ones, we love God. If, i...
Posted by Rabia on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST

Our deepest fear...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be bri...
Posted by Rabia on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:52:00 PST

What I learned about Army guys and gals

I really should be asleep right now.  For the past 4 weeks I've had to be up by 4am so I can get to Walter Reed Army Medical Center by 4:30am to begin my 14+ hour day... doing my surgery rotation...
Posted by Rabia on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:50:00 PST

Who is Meher Baba?

Who is Meher Baba? Meher Baba (born Merwan Shehariarji Irani, 1894-1969) is a philosopher to some, a spiritual guide to others and the messiah to many more. Beginning in 1927 he establishes a con...
Posted by Rabia on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 10:41:00 PST

Rabia of Basra... the prequel

Not much is known about Rabia al Basri, except that she lived in Basra in Iraq, in the second half of the 8th century AD.  She was born into poverty. But many spiritual stories are associated wit...
Posted by Rabia on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:18:00 PST

Rabia of Basra

RABIA AND THE SECRET OF BASRA Rabia of Basra was considered one of the most beautiful women living on earth in her time. Her youth and beauty were unsurpassed. Now it so happens that a young man from...
Posted by Rabia on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:12:00 PST