Profile Generator
*i love my curly hair!! (KuLot sALOt!)*
*someTimes all i want is peace and quiet! (wEirD huH?!!)*
*i love making poems (bUt I dOn’T kNow iF I’M gOod aT It..)*
*I’m A girL wHo Loves to eat! (yum!!)*
*nice yEt I CaN bE qUiTe mEan sOmeTiMes (Nobody’s perfect yOu kNoW! haHa!)*
*i HaTe dOiNg cHoReS (oH coMe oN? doN’t TeLL mE yOu dO?!)!*
*ceRtifiEd piCtuRe addiCt (wAnNa bet?)*
*single and i'm loving it! (beliEve mE! I guaRanteE!)*
*certified member of N.B.S.B. (no boyfriend since birth)*
*I LoVe dRessiNg uP (iT’s a girl thing!)*
*caN't LiVe wiThouT mY pHonE (yOu kNoW wHat I’M tALkiNg aBouT?!) *
*PiNk,VioLet aNd GrEeN aRE mY faVe cOLoRs (cApiTaL bArbiE?) *
*tHere aRe tiMes ThaT I cAn bE rEaLLy aS iN REALLY TaLkatiVe (TrY me!)*
*aDdiCted with RoLLeR cOasTers! wEeEeE (Let’S dO iT aGain!)*
*mY FaMiLy aNd FriEndS mEaN a LoT tO mE (LoVe YoU aLL!)mY cOntaCt LeNseS(bRoWn, TuRquOiSe aNd gRay)..