SiNgInG, dAnCiNg, ChIlLiN, gOiN oUt
People who value and respect me for who I am. . .
r&b, hIp HoP, rAp, tHeM oLdIeS, sOmE bLuEs, a lil jAzZ, and of CoUrSe that GoOd oLe gOsPeL
bRoWn SuGaR, lOvE&bAsKeTbALL, tHe nOtEbOoK, a bRoNx TaLe
don't have too much time for TV but i like to watch Grey's Anatomy, Good Times, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
AnGeLs&dEmOnS, DeCePtIoN pOiNt, tHe dA vInCi cOdE
mY pArEnTs. . .