Klay Of The Dead profile picture

Klay Of The Dead


About Me

French musician and student in music, loving especially old school death/grind, and old school metal in general. I also love old school crust/punk/hardcore punk (Amebix !), psychobilly, jazz and sometimes progressive rock... Yes, music is all my life. As well as apples (I'm fucking addicted). 100 % dedicated to death/grind and 200 % possessed by music...
I dare to call myself a real metalhead. 'Cause I don't give a fuck about trends and how I look, respect the heritage of punk, hardcore and crust, move my ass to shows, buy records, know what metal is really about, and love riffs. Riffs are your future. Get some now !!!
(I'm no longer writer for Metalorgie)
Check out my new bands here !
Axeman ===== http://www.myspace.com/axemangrindcore
Pure Fucking Grindcore !!! I'm on guitars and vocals. My main project, for sure.
Despina ==== [no site yet]
Hardcore punk ! I handle everything in the band, but the vocal duties are taken by my beloved Cecile... Yes, this is hardcore punk with a female opera voice... First songs soon.
Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox !

My Interests

MUSIC(old school shit), HORROR & GORE (movies - comics - music - whatever), playing guitar/drums (always faster and faster !), my studies, movies, art, creating, apples, eating apples, cats, ferrets (got one !), speaking english (hehe), the 90's/80's, zombies, chocolate (this is a fucking drug), ice creams, chocolate ice creams, blue eyes, long hair, silly old animated series which don't take the children for easily shocked dumbasses, art in general, death metal shows... But music stands above everything else.

TOOMPA beats, guitar riffs, insane shrieks, guitar riffs, low and deep vocals, guitar riffs, vocalist who goes "YAAAARRGLAAAAWHOAWHOAWWWWOOHHAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUURRRGH" (see : Impetigo's Stevo) or "YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK" (see : Kam Lee), Lee Dorian's inhuman's growls, single-foot blast beats, insane speed (INSANITY = MASTERS OF SPEED), heavy downtuned good ol'death metal with actual riffs and songs, dual voices, short songs, bass guitar sound who goes "bzzzzzzzzz bzzzzz" (see Repulsion !), Dave Grave's drumbeats, The Baron's clean vocals, Stig's dirty guitar sound, guitar riffs, reverb-production, oozing dirty dual voices, twin-guitar leads, guitar riffs, when drummers go TOOMPA as fast as they can, raspy and disgusting vocals, falsettos with(out) balls, FUCKING THRASHY RIFFS PLAYED OVER EXTREME DRUM BEATS, Mark Shelton's nasal voice...
Oh, so now I have to add : my dear & beloved Cécile, my biggest love in life, my mate, my half.....

I'd like to meet:

- A brutal death metal band (that's only my taste, I hate nowadays brutal death metal...)
- A DEATHCORE BAND. Even with a Cannibal Corpse shirt, you still look like a total faggot. Cut your swoop, enlarge your jeans and listen to something REALLY brutal.
- A myspace whore... or just someone I never heard of before.
- Begging for virtual friends (get a life)
- A Coldworker fan.
- Emo (GG is the only emofag allowed here ;))
- A pseudo-gore band consisting of a pig squealing over two riffs and a drum machine... GOREGRIND IS FUCKING MUSIC TOO !!!
- A band that sure won't fit my tastes (pop, rock, goth or else, I have NOTHING against you all but I won't support what I can't listen...)
- Someone I never heard about and who don't know any single band on my fucking page (no, listening to Cannibal Corpse doesn't make you a grinder)


FAVOURITE BANDS EVER : DEATH (all albums), REPULSION !!!!!! (even the Genocide demos !), AMEBIX (ARISE !!). Highly praised : INSANITY, CELTIC FROST (80's era) and IMPETIGO.
There's waaaaaaaay too much shit to write here. Let's only list my favourite...
45 Grave, ADX, Agent Steel, Alien Sex Fiend, Alienation Mental, Angel Witch, Anti Cimex, Aphex Twin, Asphyx, Assück, Autopsy, Bad Brains, Batmobile, Blasphème, Blitzkid, Balzac, Blitzkrieg, Blockheads, Blood, Blood Freak, Bolt Thrower, Brutal Truth, Boredoms, Brutality, Bulldozer, Butcher ABC, Calabrese, CARCASS, CARNAGE (the demos are some of my favourite records EVER. Particularly The Day Man Lost.), Casbah, Charles Bronson, Christian Death, Convulse, Cretin, Cryptic Slaughter, Cryptopsy, CSSO, Cynic, Dead Infection, Dead Kennedys, Death Side, Death Strike, Decapitated, Deceased, Deep Wound, Demigod, Demilich, Destruction, Diamond Head, Dionysos, Discharge, DIsmember, D.R.I, Dissection, Divine Eve, Electro Hippies, Engorged, Encre, Entombed, Eviscium, Exhumed, Envy, Exulceration, Fabio Frizzi, Fear Of God, Forbidden Site, Frightmare, Funerus, Furbowl, GISM, Gauze, General Surgery, God Macabre, Godless Wicked Creeps, Gorguts, Gorilla Biscuits, Gored, Grotesque, Gut, Haemorrhage, Heathen, Heimat-Los, Hellhammer, Hellwitch, Heresy, Hirax, Horror Story, Immolation, Impaled, Incantation, Incubus (Louisiana and Florida, florida prefered), Iron Maiden, Jaga Jazzist, Jig Aï, Jigsore Terror, Jimi Hendrix, John Coltrane, Joy Division, Judas Priest, Killing Joke (early releases prefered), King Crimson, Kreator, Krewmen, Last Days Of Humanity, Liers In Wait, Lykathea Aflame, Macabre, Mad Sin, Magma, Il Baletto Di Bronzo, Maggut, Manilla Road, Massacra, Massacre, Master, Maxophone, Melt Banana, Mercyful Fate, The Meteors, Miles Davis, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Morbid Angel, Mordicus, Morsüre, Morgoth, Mötörhead, Municipal Waste, Mutilated, Napalm Death, Naked City, Necrony, Nekromantix, Nihilist, Nirvana 2002, Nocturnus, Obscurity, Obtained Enslavement, Orchid, Ornette Coleman, Outo, Pan.Thy.Monium, Pentagram, Patareni, Poison Arts, Poison Idea, Possessed, Plan 9, Pungent Stench, The Ramones, Regurgitate, Repugnant, Reverend Horton Heat, Rigor Mortis, Rottrevore, S.O.B, Sarcofago, Satan, Semiramis, Septic Death, Sextrash, Siege, Sigur Ros, Sinister, Skeleton Of God, Slaughter, Slayer, Sodom, Sopor Aeternus, Sortilège, Steve Reich, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Suffocation (only Human Waste though), Terrorizer, The Cramps, The Koffin Kats, The Other, Total Fucking Destruction, Unleashed, Vader, Venom, Vulcain, Wehrmacht, Xysma... The list goes on forever...
I like my music fast (REALLY fast), heavy, agressive, sincere, and intense. And well, I FUCKING HATE BRUTAL DEATH METAL AND ALL THOSE NEW SCHOOL TRENDY DEATHCORE/SLAMDEATH SHIT !!! And please, have mercy, stop telling everybody your band is playing "experimental brutal deathcore beatdown" when you play only another Suffocation or Devourment clone... Are you ashamed to play death metal ?
GenericMetalhead mode /ON
Emo sucks.


Horror/slasher/gore and classic horror : Zombie (George A Romero), Zombie Flesh Eaters (Lucio Fulci) and anything by Lucio Fulci, Brain Dead (Peter Jackson), Night of the living dead (George A. Romero), The Toxic Avenger (Lloyd Kaufman), Return Of The Living Dead, Maniac (William Lustig), Friday The 13th (Sean Cunningham), Suspiria (Dario Argento), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Tobe Hooper), Ichi The Killer (Takashi Miike), 2000 Maniacs, Blood Freak, the Violent Shit series, even Planet Terror from Robert Rodriguez... Classic horror/original horror... Although I'm quite a beginner in all those horror flicks, I've been raised with art and cheesy action movies ;)
Art movies/other movies : anything by Fellini, Bunuel, Bergman, FW Murnau or Jean Renoir. Loved ones : Kubrick, Marcel Carné (Hotêl du Nord ruuuuules), Roman Polanski, Fritz Lang, or Charle Chaplin.
Animated japanimation : Ninja Scroll, Akira, Venus Wars, Steamboy, Urotsukidoji (TENTACLE RAAAAAAAPE), Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Elfen Lied...
Everything with the word GODZILLA in the title. Favourite ones : GOdzilla 1954, Mothra VS Godzilla, GMK : Giant Monsters All Out Attack and Ghidorah : The 3-headed monster.


Fuck TV. (Even if sometimes, I watch Metalocalypse, Bucky O'Hare, Dexter's Lab and Married with children ^^ And some other silly animated series...)


HP Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov, Franz Kafka (The trial is the only thing I read from him though), JRR Tolkien, Anthony Burgees (A clockwork orange...),And some others...
Some Manga/comics/webcomics : BERSERK, Kurosagi (Corpse Delivery Service), Death Note, Sin City, MEGATOKYO, Dragon Ball, THE WALKING DEAD, Zombieworld, Orneryboy, GORE fucking SHRIEK (best comics EVER !!!), UVoD, Elftor, Zombie Highway, TALES FROM THE CRYPT/EC COMICS !!!!, NN2S, CREEPY/Eerie/Vampirella, anything edited by ELVIFRANCE (reading stories about pervert aliens with acid cum who snort cocaine and fuck dozens of girls in Rio is priceless. Same for a dickless Rambo look-a-like who takes lizard cells to get a new dick and save his mates from a camp in Vietnam, while fucking a girl hidden in the forest. Huge greatness hehe)


Bucky O'hare and Deadeye Duck, Dexter the genius, Patrick The Starfish and GODZILLA !
And a shitloads of musicians, a few listed here...
JOE DeZUNIGA/BUD MILLS (RIP both of you...) and DAVE GORSUCH for his courage and will...
The list is endless...
But she stands above all, my beloved best friend, Wiscat ;). ..

My Blog

Bots, myspace whores...

DON'T EVER THINK TO ADD ME IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BAND, ARTIST OR MOVIE LISTED ON MY FUCKING PAGE !I'm tired of the poppunk, poprock, emo or so-called "rap" bands which add me (have you really seen my ...
Posted by Klay Of The Dead on Tue, 01 May 2007 12:42:00 PST

My own zombie movie !

From 2003 to late june 2006 I was student in Film-making in a French lycée. As to pass the exams, I had to direct two movies, and here is one of them, a zombie movie made the trash way with average ac...
Posted by Klay Of The Dead on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:48:00 PST

Getting bored...

Getting bored. Little list of my favourite albums, no order except for Death :Death - Human (death metal)... and each release Death has ever made Impetigo - Ultimo mondo cannibale (goregrind) Morbid A...
Posted by Klay Of The Dead on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:16:00 PST