I am currently developing a serum that will accelerate my beard production beyond rational limits.I will then sell this serum to the razor companies and they will secretly feed it to poultry, thus increasing the demand for razors.Plus, I'll have a really cool pirate's beard.
Pretty much anyone except for Bette Midler.
CARS is incredible. I've recently added it to the selections below.Office Space and Napoleon Dynamite. These are the only movies I watch. Over and over. Again and again."The Last Starfighter" gets an Honorable Mention only because when I used to play Intellivision as a kid, I often imagined that I would also be recruited as part of a cosmic defense force.
Lately I've been watching "Boohbahs" on WCNY.
"The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding" is on my nightstand. It helps my eyes get heavy at night. Mostly, instead of books, I tend to play video games. "Fight Night" and "Need For Speed Carbon" are my 2 favorites for X Box 360. On the computer I play thousands of classics thanks to MAME. (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)
Mike Dziok as "Captain Singlet" is most definitely the ultimate super hero.He hasn't been able to fit into his super hero uniform lately, so he has not been seen.This will change. And the world will be better for it.