$$Babygurl$$ profile picture


Lead me not into Temptation, I can find it myself!! p style=margin-top: 0; margin-bot

About Me

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girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.comIz your vizion blurred? Can you see clearly? Sometimez I juz dont know! Clearly through someone elzez eyez or clearly through your own? Or iz it blurred from tearz, fear, or becauze you decided to make it that way? Guezz somethingz in life people cant figure out. Maybe one day...one day thingz shall be completely clear of the shyt but who knowz because I sure dont!! Explaining for lying? Covering secretz or letting them be known? Being up front or hiding behind your own true self? Yez there are so many ??z but very few answerz. I can relate but then again not in certain circumstancez!! Whatever shall be will be & whatever comez from it....let the ??z go and cherizh!! Dont hide, dont be scared...JUST LIVE!!!

My Interests

Becky~ Im so proud of you...you have come along way & have finally realized that being used as a doormat is usless...just like him!! He shoulda have realized what he had but it's his loss and my buddy joseph's gain...RIGHT RIGHT!! thanks girl for being there for me...u know sitting there crying about joey being gone & all!! haha but I love ya girl and keep your head up...stay strong because u know how jj is and u just might have a fight on your hands!!!

I'd like to meet:

To My Babyboii~ First & foremost I want you to know that I love you very much & I miss you like crazy. You are my best friend, my someone I was always able to depend on to wipe my tears when I cried...little did I know that now my tears are about you being gone. It feels like my 2nd half was there for a while but got ripped away from me. I know you are bettering yourself & I'm so proud of you for that!! I guess I'm just being greedy bc I love you & want you here with me!! Even though your far away I know your happier there & your doing really good....so I support ya fully....just dont forget about your babygurl!!! I love you Joey and always will!!! love always and forever Your Babygurl xoxoxox




Joseph~hey buddy...huh?? haha you make sure you take good care of my girl becky and my beautiful godson Aden. Im really happy yall got together...yall look so cute, not to mention you make becky so happy!!! I have never seen her smile as much as she does now!! So thanks for lookin out...3 Ya!!


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My Angel Life and Death rolled into one. The pain of knowing that you were done. Sitting there listening to the last breath. Never thinking of having to watch your death. The anger and saddness of you being gone. Continuing life seems so long, Each day passes and tears still fall, Feels like running into the same brick wall. In a hole in which is so deep. All the memories I shall keep. You are to rest so peacefully, However you live eternally. The reunite shall be so sweet, Is when the hole I will beat. So sleep tight knowing were not apart. I love you mom, my angel, my heart.




Teddy~I know I act shady to you sometimes, but I guess thats my only way to show you and make you understand that I dont want to be with you anymore. I know I sound mean but I am not in love with you anymore, and I've realized that I can do a whole lot better...I deserve someone who will treat me right and put me in front of other things like you should have instead of your weed....one day you'll realize what you lost but you'll never get what you lost back...i never want to be with you again...ill always have love for ya bc of Ryan but as far as being able to hug you and shyt definatly not....im sorry i sound bitchy but this is the way i feel...no sugarcoating....hope you understand!!!

My Blog

Pretend Friends

Pretend friends~this would my definition!!! A pretend friend is someone who makes you believe they will always be there & for a while they actually are. They are your shoulder when you cry & y...
Posted by A03 itz a babygurl thang!!! on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:16:00 PST

A03 BOYZ!!!!!!

***TO MY ANARCHY BOYZ***** I'm proud of all of yall....yall stand up & speak out for what you feel is right & stand by your group no matter what. I love yall like my children & would give ...
Posted by A03 itz a babygurl thang!!! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST


I see so many unhappy people, and for the life of me can not understand why....what is everything boiling down to? The unhappiness is concerning....close ones of mine are always sad, there is only the...
Posted by A03 itz a babygurl thang!!! on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:56:00 PST


The love of my life has gone away...I don't know why he juzt didnt stay...Now one minute he misses me and the next he dont...why cant I just slit his bitches throat? I let it go and hold the pain...n...
Posted by A03 itz a babygurl thang!!! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:26:00 PST


ok im fucked upp n writing thiss so i prolly wont  reemnber diz  tomorrow....i will be 21 soon  n i haade my party tonighhtt.....it  wuuuz great...i had fun with my buddies. m...
Posted by A03 itz a babygurl thang!!! on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:14:00 PST