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Bellydance, advanced cardio (step aerobics, hi-lo, etc...) , weight training, yoga, pilates, healthy cooking recipes. Sudoku, Sudoku, Sudoku... Did I mention Sudoku ?I'm a die hard lover of the Highlander.
Adrian Paul is YUMMY !
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Speaking of Sci-Fi, I'm a Firefly fanatic. Yessirree, I'm a browncoat ! See all the Firefly video clips to the right.
Of course, I love my furbabies. I am the cat lady, yes I am. Cat hair is the perfect accessory to any outfit ! tee hee
Ok, this is funny & so right on. I order a caramel frap everytime I'm at Starbucks or Barnes & Noble Cafe (the light version with Splenda)
Caramel Frappuccino
Creative and expressive, you tend to match your Frappuccino flavor to your mood. And a flavored syrup is always a must!
What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?
You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.
How Sarcastic Are You?
You Are 40% Lady
You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.
And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.
Are You A Lady?
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing!
Are You a Good Kisser?
Axl Rose. He's an interesting character, don'tcha think ? (and cute too) After him, Vin Diesel & Adrian Paul.
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I like pretty much anything you throw at me. I love Classic Guns n' Roses. My favorite group, after GNR, is BOND. Bond is classical music that's jazzed up with electric guitar, techno beats, sometimes chanting, etc... Its the one and only group for which I ever joined a fan club. I have actually done all the cheesy stuff that's pretty much free advertising for the group just so I could get the fan club only free stuff. My most prized possession is a signed CD of all 4 members. WOOHOO ! LOL I like world music. Israeli and other middle east stuff especially. Of course, I am still a tried and true lover of heavy metal music. Give me Metallica, Guns n' Roses, Velvet Revolver, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, etc... and I'm a happy girl.
Of course, where would the world be without Elvis ?
I like alot of movies ranging from action to comedy to drama.
Oh, Project Runway, honey. Make it work ! Other than that, let's see..... The Biggest Loser, Celebrity Fit Club, Celebrity Paranormal Project (they really shouldn't be doin' what they're doin on this show, but somehow I can't look away. I'm hooked. ) , Ghost Hunters (I don't think they should be doin' 'some' of what they're doin', but I like this show because they go in looking to debunk a haunting & often find problems with plumbing, weak floorboards, insulation problems, etc... ) , The Class - OMG is that ever a funny show. I did not like the 1st episode, but one funny line was SO funny I just had to tune in to see the next show. Just to give it a chance. I am now addicted to this show & hope to all get out that it does not get cancelled. Hubby says if I like it, it'll get cancelled. LOL *sigh* Threshhold. Threshhold was a great show. It got cancelled, but the SciFi channel is giving this a chance to air on Monday nights. Maybe they'll pick it up if it does well. *crossing fingers*. Firefly, of course. Also cancelled cuz Fox has their heads up their a$$ & don't know how to properly handle a gem like Firefly. They got their heads out of their butts, though, & sold Firefly to Universal who put out Serenity, wrapping up the deal with River & the Alliance. They still left it open so that it could *possibly* pick up from the end should the show ever be put into production again. American Dreams, also cancelled. Thank you, NBC. grrr The Highlander, but that had a pretty good run on USA. Let's see, what else... Dancing With the Stars, but the season just ended on that one. So You Think You Can Dance, also not in season right now. Ugly Betty, oh I love love love Ugly Betty. Cold Case. I hate how CBS messes with Cold Case's time slot. I have to schedule my Tivo to run atleast an hour longer than this show's slotted time because they often have that awful Amazing Race playing into Cold Case's Time Slot. I love Cold Case. That's a really well done show. I watch alot of documentaries on the History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel, A&E, etc... Stargate SG-1, which I believe has now been cancelled after 10 seasons, but a movie is said to be in the works to wrap it all up. Stargate Atlantis, which I feel is far superior to Stargate SG-1. Stargate Atlantis is just so beautifully done. The intro is gorgeous, the characters well developed, the story lines are awesome. I just love that show. Farscape, also cancelled, but there is a movie that wraps it all up.
Currently reading The Historian. I also read alot of theological stuff. My favorite, though, is Agatha Christie. I have almost every book she's written and hope to get a hold of some very hard to find titles published in the UK only. I have a couple that are out of print, and hubby found a few for me at an antique mall. I also like healthy cooking cookbooks. I'm very picky about my cookbooks, though, so don't anybody buy me one. I prefer to pick them out myself because I am very very very picky about what is in a cookbook. It has to have pictures, easy recipes, recipes have to be healthy, ingredients that are easy to find, no fancy schmancy crap, & the nutritional information should be given for each recipe. People have bought me cookbooks that I never use. I don't have alot of cookbooks, but the ones I buy myself I use all the time.
Duncan McLeod