brandi profile picture


i should have eased into that headband

About Me

maybe one of these days i'll actually get something done.

My Interests

making stuff out of other stuff. crafting. art. cooking but not cleaning. vintage furniture. lamps. residential architecture. the woods. chasing furry animals. day dreaming. being cheap. girl nites. people watching. little food. bitching. laughing til i cry. hand-holding. mormon thrift stores.

I'd like to meet:

amy sedaris


5678s, arcade fire, the bananas, the birthday party, black cat music, bright eyes, the catheters, daniel johnston, devo, elvis costello, the four eyes, groovie ghoulies, half handed cloud, holly golightly, iron and wine, joanna newsom, knock knock, mama guitar, modest mouse, morrissey, murder city devils, new york dolls, the pixies, ramones, rock the light, rolling stones, the shins, the smiths,the strokes, thee headcoatees, trashwomen, t.rex, the troublemakers, white stripes, zombies and many more...


the jerk is one of my all time favorites. i like: wes anderson movies, zombie movies (28 days later still scares me), mob movies, late 70s early 80s movies starring bill murray, steve martin and john candy. the pinky violence collection. donnie darko, the graduate...


lost. the office (both versions). arrested development. mythbusters. wonder years. freaks & geeks. hgtv.


cupcakes. i like you. readymade magazine.


my parents, my friends, my cody. i learn from them every day.

My Blog

give them what they want- wedding pictures

ok so we got around to uploading the first set of pictures. 75333/we've seen the photographer's shots which are great, and as soon as we get...
Posted by brandi on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:30:00 PST

listen to your mother

pack extra stuff in your carry on. not just magazines and your ipod... we made it here to scotland! everything is pretty good,despite the troubles we've had. not like there is anything we can do abou...
Posted by brandi on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:41:00 PST

autobiography survey

thanks mandi "This is actually a pretty decent survey. It asks questions that haven't been asked a thousand times over. It asks questions that aren't obviously from a kid's point of view (in the last...
Posted by brandi on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:37:00 PST

ugh people

you have no idea how many times i have already used the term 'fucker' today.    
Posted by brandi on Thu, 04 May 2006 09:17:00 PST


78 fucking degrees at my desk!!! im going to kill someone.
Posted by brandi on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 04:49:00 PST

more pics

everyone got a new bike. (L to R: uncle bobby, uncle david, grandpa, mom) my grandpa with his brothers grandma, grandpa and mom. visiting their old home town in colorado. my mom's embarrassed a...
Posted by brandi on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:06:00 PST


me. i love that wallpaper. i wish it was still up. and those curtains! my mom in her early 20's my dad in 1961. 5 years old. my parents in 1976. that tux is a classic....
Posted by brandi on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:27:00 PST


today when i got home i opted for a nap. my allergies were killing me on the ride home, but the fresh air was so nice! it was hard to sleep though because an apartment is finally moving out. there is ...
Posted by brandi on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 08:24:00 PST

all kinds of shit

is going down at work. i'll keep you posted. does anyone have a fax machine i can use? i gots to apply at jobs. happy birthday angel.
Posted by brandi on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 09:54:00 PST


friday was of course celi's little gathering. i ate delicious bad things (hot dog, cupcake, apricot beer) and managed to take a picture that looks like i am fisting her dog. it was fun. not to mention...
Posted by brandi on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:17:00 PST