ghost-bread profile picture


she hates going to sleep

About Me


My Interests

books. beer.


Movies that I watch repeatedly: before night falls, trainspotting, fear and loathing, amelie, the english patient, down by law, the sheltering sky, lost in translation

Actors/Actresses who I enjoy: ralph fiennes, daniel day-lewis, john malkovich, gary oldman, bill murray, emma thompson, lena olin, juliette binoche, helena bonham carter.


If you watch the history channel for long enough, you'll realize that WWII is the ONLY thing that has EVER happened. The rest of history is a complete blur.


sheltering sky, moby dick, blood meridian, most by knut hamsun and hermann hesse, wolf solent, in search of lost time by proust (i haven't finished it (all 4, 000 pages) but I've read the first three books and love them deeply, autobiograpy of red, another roadside attraction, william vollmann, a month in the country, neverness by david zindell, faulkner is dauntingly depressingly good: especially Light in August, japanese authors: Mishima, Kawabata, Oe, Murakami. Short stories by Donald Barthelme, Chekhov, Borges, Thomas Bernhard, and Samuel Beckett. In recent news, Paul Auster is the second coming of Beckett. Only, he's easier to read.

This is my library: It's a work in progress.


He can take one step and be in Las Vegas. It is forbidden.

My Blog

Friend 126, who were you?

Last night when I went to bed you were still there and this morning when I woke up you were gone and the bed was cold and bare in the spot where you should have been. I looked through all 125 of my ot...
Posted by ghost-bread on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:31:00 PST


Posted by ghost-bread on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

this excites me

Tom Waits description of his new album: When I was small I always thought that songwriters sat alone at upright pianos in cramped smoky little rooms with a bottle and an ashtray and everything cam...
Posted by ghost-bread on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:35:00 PST

Mental Masturbation 2006

This years candidates for the Nobel Proze for Literature, according to me. Orhan Pamuk Ngugi wa Thiong'o (just published a new novel) Milan Kundera Javier Marias Antonio Lobo Antunes Ko Un and then...
Posted by ghost-bread on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 03:26:00 PST

in the land of pain

from the late tertiary stage of syphilis "But I'm in pain too, at this very moment. It's just that I've trained myself to keep my suffering to myself. When the pain gets so bad that I have to give ve...
Posted by ghost-bread on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST

this is exciting

Thomas Pynchon has a new novel coming out. Untitled as of yet. He seems to have written his own blurb. This is from Amazon."Spanning the period between the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the years j...
Posted by ghost-bread on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:26:00 PST

high praise

...and found acceptance from fans and fellow musicians that eventually led him to Modest Mouse's Isaac Brock. Brock asked Mason (Jennings) to tour with Modest Mouse, and soon thereafter asked Mason to...
Posted by ghost-bread on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:28:00 PST

little, big

Little, BigWhile the moon slowly shifted the shadow from one side of Edgewood to the other, Daily Alice dreamed that she stood in a flower-starred field where on a hill grew an oak tree and a thorn in...
Posted by ghost-bread on Tue, 09 May 2006 01:38:00 PST

car people:

Why is my oil light flickering on and off when there's enough oil in the car? Should I worry?
Posted by ghost-bread on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:29:00 PST

I just cut off my head!!

I'm kidding. I didn't really cut off my head. April Fool's.
Posted by ghost-bread on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 09:17:00 PST