Music, Theatre, Teaching, Sailing, Skiing, Travelling (and taking a whole lot of pictures of those trips - which annoys everyone beeing on vacation with me...! :-/ ), Zoo visits ;-)... and so much more!
Maybe you?!
All kinds. No specific style. Depends on which mood I´m in. From Classic and Musical (of course!) to Pop, Rock, Metal and Punk...
Oooh, yes, I like to go to the movies! But you´d probably never find me watching a movie that tears me down!!! Life often is depressing enough, so it´s gotta be something funny, comedical, to laugh about, something that makes me feel good! :-) ***** Besides: "Rhythm Is It" and "Full Metal Village" are the best documentary films I´ve seen lately!!!
I barely watch TV.
Wolfgang (und Heike) Hohlbein, Joanne K. Rowling, Eugen Roth, Hörbücher aller Art, Märchen aus aller Welt, Kinderbuchliteratur...
ask me to find out more! ;-)
adopt your own virtual pet!
People, who manage their life without complaining, who are there for others, without asking, what´s the benefit for themselves doing those things! Like some of my best friends. ***** My Grandmother, who always gave me love and was there for me - every single second of her life! ***** And of course my parents... cause: "Did you ever know that you´re my heroes? And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle - for you are the WIND BENEATH MY WINGS!" (music & lyrics by Billy Hill)