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Music Is Created In The Hart....Not In The Mind

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsStefan first picked up the guitar at the age of 11 and rapidly evolved in the direction of the blues. Coached by his experienced neighbour (Edward van helsdingen) and influenced by such greats as Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jonny Lang, Jimi Hendrix and Albert Collins, he created his own distinctive sound and playing.He became well known on jam sessions and got invited to play with some very experienced bands and artists. At the age of 16 Stefan formed his own band that goes by the name of Stefan Schill Bluesband.Besides blues, people like Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding, Sam cooke and many more inspired him to get more and more involved in the world of soul.Stefan has played at some very well known festivals in Holland such as Big Rivers, Culemborg blues, Brielle Blues, Cult en Tumult etc. Not to mention some great bluesclubs like L’Esprit,Bibelot, Bluescafe Apeldoorn,Zuiderpark and many more.By reading this we hope that we have inspired you to come and visit to check him out. But if you want to hear the real thing come and see a gig..Cause after all...“You Can’t Teach The Blues, You gotta Experience It” (Stefan Schill)ALSO CHECK WWW.MYSPACE.COM/STEFANSTICKYFINGER for more MUSIC!MySpace Ticker