Ne1 whO wnTz 2 MeEt mE!!! DUH!!!!!
~I lyK Ol TypZ of MusIC...hip hop,RnB,POP...Juz Dnt cOUnt CounTRy musIc...BLek!!!~
hay...Wt ngA B???DamI Eh...I lyKE ClueLEsS,CasPer(coz of DeVon SaWa..),ShE'Z ALl cLosE...heAd Over HeAls...saVe The Last DaNcE...a Walk to ReMemBer...fInDing Nemo...10 thingS i Hate About You..neVer been KisSed...the Parent traPp...Mulan....Juz AsK me N LanG
MTV punk'd, smallville, sPonGebOB, lizzie mcguire, jUst 4 Laughs, cartoon nEtwork...HbO...the CribS...and more....
"~c KuLaM Boi laNG...FigUre out nYo N lNg kuNG Cno Un!!!~"