revolution, keep fit, horses, renewable energy, mortoletrae, whiskey and word extensiorization
rich drunken female plastic surgeons with a short memory and an ability to regenerate new feet
reggae the hard way
I'm in to 'bout' movies, you know 'so and so' verses so and so'. Some faves are Kramer verses Kramer, Beverly De Angelo verses Dani Behr and the hilarious comedy Drainpipes verses Mothra
I'm only allowed to watch a limited amount of TV because I am a long time sufferer of the personality disorder Yarwood's career. It's a terrible affliction striking my brain right at the centre of my frontal lobe.The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement,fashion, impulse control, and social and sexual behaviour along with the ability to put on silly voices. After short periods of exposure to TV I take on the persona of the central character of the programme that I have been watching. Some TV programmes I am banned from watching such as 'Autopsy', 'Blind Date' 'Inspector Morse' and the 'Cillit Bang' advert.
The Magic Faraway Tree, Brave New World, 2006 Screwfix Catalog, A Brief History of Time, The Blind Watchmaker, Beverly De Angelo is my best girlfriend, Me and Bev,
George Bernard Shaw