I enjoy shedding hair, drinking out of the toilet, scooting my ass across the carpet when it's itchy (usually when we have company), sharpening my claws on Sean's bike tires, climbing into and sleeping in open drawers, peeing on any article of clothing Sean leaves laying around, licking plastic, being held like a baby, tryng to escape the apartment and then freaking out when I make it outside, getting tangled up in cords, climbing Christmas trees, and eating rubber bands when I can find them.
Garfield so I can kick his fat, lazy, unfunny ass, and the white tiger that mauled Roy (or was it Sigfried?) so I can shake his paw.
Since I don't have opposable thumbs, I am not really able to put on and listen to the music of my choice. I usually listen to what Gina or Sean have on, which means in Seans case, Misfits records, or in Ginas case AFI or the Lillingtons or Against Me!
I'm too lazy to stay awake for a whole movie. I usually end up falling asleep on the arm of the sofa about a third of the way in.
Cat Chow commercials, nature programs with any kind of birds, sometimes I watch the soaps with Gina. Most of the time I'm too busy licking my butt to pay attention to the idiot box.
I'm illiterate.
Puss in boots, Simba, and again the tiger that mauled Sigfried or Roy, I forget which.