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The Official 'O7 clothing brand see it! wear it! and be apart of it.

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WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! BEFORE U GO ON. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR MARK .. SUPPORT THE BRAND/BECOME A FRIEND/LEAVE A COMMENT/SHARE ConQuer Thank You so much!!The launch is here! The new gift. The new day. The new wear. Please allow 7-10 days or less for delivery. sizes: s-m-l-xl-xx-xxx-xxxx NOW AVAILABLE men/ women/youth black/white*black/platinum* white/blue*true red/blue hoodie and the white/black ladies hoodie tee, Also just added our CAROLINA BLUE/blue.More colors of tees and variety of shirts and wear are in development now for this brand. Cost: $12.00 and add $2.00 for Tee(s)....(2x/3x/4x) $16.00 and add $2.00 for Hoodie(s)..(2x/3x/4x) Free shipping now.For purchasing info: MAIL MESSAGE ME HERE or Tel/text: 513.633.0810Thank you for your support!..................................P R O C E E D .. .. .
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All Designers. Individuals interested in the Clothing industry. . . ConQuer meets Jeezy cont.

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ALL genres across the board. Hip hop is the one and it's power is incredible.


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God is and Jesus ..... know them!. APTERA.COM to learn more about this 230mpg put in your future..
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Bengal Luv!!!

Posted by ConQuer on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:10:00 PST