master legend profile picture

master legend


About Me

i am a real life super hero born with psychic abilities and highly trained in fighting skills.i am a member of the red cross and know survival and medical skills.well traveled and taught secrets of the great masters in martial arts and metaphysical arts.i have saved many lives and always try to make a difference by setting examples not just saying it.i am the kind of hero who has no regards for personal safety when my services are needed,in other words i will put my life on the line for you.i like to be disguised because i don't want personal thanks .just thank master legend not me just as i owe my life to him.src=" ?u=115150559" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="426" height="320" wmode="transparent"

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My Interests

my mission is to seek out and find real superheroes ,the last chance we have.
You scored as Kiros Seagill. Exotic, Encouraging, and Mysterious. You really don't like talking about yourself, prefering to put those around you in the spotlight. You believe others should go after their dreams and are quite content to sit back and help along the way. You come across a little mysterious and maybe exotic or eccentric, but people love you anyway because they can count on you when the going gets tough. You are a truly unique individual.

Kiros Seagill


Edea Kramer


Zell Dincht


Seifer Almasy


Laguna Loire


Quistis Trepe


Squall Leonheart


Selphie Tilmett


Irvine Kinneas


Ward Zabac


Rinoa Heartilly

Final Fantasy 8, which hero are you?
created with
What superpower suits you? Your Result: Heat-beam Eyes

ANGER! GRR! You are heat-beam eyes. When you're mad, you show it. You could just burst into flame! Your wrath probably hurts people who get in between you and the guy you have the vendetta against.Most likely to have this power: A Vigilante.

Sidekick Power!
What superpower suits you?

I'd like to meet:

The Symbiote,Tothian,SuperHero,The Immortal Mask,ZetaMan,The Pale Enchantress,Countess Contessa Vanessa,Olga,MR.Majestic,SuperMan,Shinobi Shugendo,Red Raven,Supreme,The Watcher,FoxFire,The Chameleon and all others that will spend a moment of there time to be a friend.

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morgus the magnificent.


news is about it,i do like to catch HOUSE.


metaphysical,survival tactics,medical.


too many to mention.

My Blog

myth of the homeless

In my lines of work i meet a lot of rich people and seen that most of them condemn the homeless believe that homeless people are evil and they brought it all on are some of the my...
Posted by master legend on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:21:00 PST

a new day finally comes

not long ago i put up the should i cut my hair blog and the votes said don't cut it.i took every ones advice and was able to see many aspects ,i have decided not to cut my hair or give up my mask and ...
Posted by master legend on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST

throwing in the towel

last night i put up a post saying i was throwing in the towel,i got instant messages .everyone was saying no way you can't ,i think it may have made a few sad also.only one person was quik to dismiss ...
Posted by master legend on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:24:00 PST

looking for officer friendly

officer friendly or even officer just a little bit friendly will do but all i can find is officer computer voice or officer leave me alone unless you want to go to jail but i can always rely on office...
Posted by master legend on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:09:00 PST

the coupon brigade

it has recently come to my attention a way to help a lot of kids in school and it won't cost you a cent .this can help stop future criminals even by improving education.look at the packages of ev...
Posted by master legend on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:12:00 PST

vote yes or no

i have told you of my buisness that helps out old people and it's getting better but the reason i have always had to run my own buisness is because no one will hire me for a regular job.with all my cr...
Posted by master legend on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST

there goes the neighborhood....again dammit!

after patting myself on the back and bragging about how i cleaned up the neighborhood single handily of crack heads my victory party is short lived.i got a new next door neighbor a big ...
Posted by master legend on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 05:13:00 PST

tell me of your amazing powers

i would like to hear about your super powers,your special abilities.i know everyone has special abilities if they search for them.things we do and can do to better the world.i meet people every day wi...
Posted by master legend on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 05:17:00 PST