Oh, dear God, I do believe I could make this box explode if I put down every single interest that I have. For a few though, camping, driving, reading, writing, playing video games (oh yeah, I said it), watching stand up comedy (George Carlin ROCKS!), watching various sports on TV, vegging out, struggling once again to play some musical instrument I'll never get the hang of, manipulating time and space....the list goes on. Suffice it to say, I have a lot of interests.
Hmm...Sean Connery. Yeah, that would be cool, lol. I don't know, just anyone that likes to have a good time, get out and see the world, and laugh a little.
Nothing in particular. I usually end up listening to Mix, but I'll listen to anything if I think it sounds good. I do like a lot of 80's music (don't laugh), some country, and Jimmy Buffett, Nickelback, Everclear, Alanis Morissette, among others. It's a varied list.
I like just about anything emotional, as long as it's not like ridiculously sappy. You know, things that could happen in real life, that's what I like, lol. Don't get me wrong, though, I could watch shoot-em-up's all day long, but I just really get into the *ahem* 'chick flicks' as they're called. I think one of my favorite movies is 'As Good As It Gets'. I know it's silly, but I like to cry at movies, lol.
As ashamed as I am to admit it, I'm kind of into a lot of the pop shows out now like Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, things like that. I like them. Go ahead and shoot me now. I like to watch cartoons on the weekends, too. You know, when I'm bored and vegging out, just pop a thing of popcorn in and watch some toons. Yeah, that's the life, lol.
I hope you've got a while. Nah, I like crime novels, among other things. I'm reading The DaVinci Code now. The Hitchhiker's Guide books are right at the top of my list. I've read them a number of times, and I still laugh every time I do. But anyway, like music, if I pick it up and I'm intrigued, I'll read it.