The members of the MCRmy of the state of Michigan. Meetups. Listening Parties. Promo. Information. Local stuff and all that jazz.
Maintained by KTB
User profiles are looked at, including your location and past/present schools.
Currently taking any new members from the state of Ohio and from Ontario, Canada. This discision comes from several conversations with fans from Ohio and Ontario. For Ohio people, MCRmyOH is the place to go first, but you are also welcome to join up with Michigan. Ontario, as far as I'm concerned, you guys don't have any sort of street team. I'm only an hour or so away from the Detroit/Winsor tunnel and The Blue Water Bridge, so I don't mind picking up you guys, either.
Anyone in this group is invited to join or lurk at LiveJournal as well. I've created a community for all of us to communicate back and forth to each other HERE .
Join up with MCRMY CONNECTION , which is run by a fellow MCRmyMI member. Show some support.
Questions, comments?
floydiankate - AIM
[email protected] - Email
Main userimage taken by APRIL BEECKMAN on February 28th, 2007. The Army made an appearance in one of her shots.