ElegantOne profile picture


Welcome To My Place kick-up ya feet ~ get ya drink-on Chill & Enjoy

About Me

My Interests

L Loud
O Outrageous
I Intelligent
S Sexy


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I grew up listening to Motown ~~ so I guess you can call me a Motown Gal ~~ The Late & Great Marvin Gaye ~ Luther Vandross ~ Phyllis Hymen ~ The Chi-lites ~ Temptations~ Blue Magic ~ Ashford & Simpson ~ The Delphonics ~ The Mighty-Mighty Dells ~ Stevie Wonder ~ Pattie Labelle~ Freddie Jackson ~ Jennifer Hudson ~ The Late Barry White ~ Wow I can go on & on ~ There are so many ~ yes Alicia Keys ( ma gurl) ~ Gladys Knight & the Pips ~~~


I absolutely love going to the movies ~~ mention Denzel Washington & I'm out (lol) he is Truely THE Best actor in the Industry ~~ I've seen just about all of his movies ~~ he's just a "Natural" Malcolm X I've seen at least a 1/2 dozen times he was Superb!!! Al Pachino is another Great actor ~~ The Godfather I've seen them all ~~ he's another "Natural" Matthew McCaugnehay if I'm spelling it correctly Wow!!! he's a "Hunk" & a Great actor ~~ you know for sure with just these (3) I've mentioned you're gonna get your money's worth ~~~


I don't watch much TV unless its something Educational like the "History" channel ~~ Romance movies are ok but I really don't like "Murder-Shooting-Stabbing" or even the Domestic Violence or any kind of "Abuse" movies ~~ they're just too sad to watch ~~ especially when the "Woman" does absolutely "Nothing" ~~ I just can't see that ~~ I'll watch Only "My" team the "New York Yankees" ~~ I will watch some basketball but football nahhh ~~ don't understand anything about it ~~ I truely enjoy watching Tennis whomever is playing ~~ its just a joy to watch even for hours at a time ~~ its such a graceful sport ~~ no "abuse-blood-beatin-up-getting kicked out or even getting hurt" sport ~~ I've always wanted but never had the time to play tennis ~~ News I try to stay away from cause unless its something "Good" its always "Bad" ~~ I don't know why but people are just drawn to it ~~ I'm not ~~ I watched like I stated earlier Malcolm X ~~ yes it was lots of "killing" & "violence" but at the same time was "Educational" about our "Once" Black Leader/ Activist ~~ The Late Malcolm X ~~ I did watch the documentary on The Rev.Dr.. Martin Luther King ~~ that was absolutely touching in the sence that "he" was non-violent but "Violence" followed him all the time ~~ all Dr. King ever wanted was equality for "ALL" & nothing more ~~ I guess that will "Never" happen ~~ cause its been going on "Forever" since the beginning of "Time" ~~~
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I've read a lot of DJ Michael Baisdens Books ~~ My favorite was "The Maintenance Man" really Great book ~~ also "Men Cry in the Dark" ~~ both books were Great!!! ~~ anotherhor Zane I Love all of her books ~~ I'm currently reading her latest Novel "Breaking The Cycle" basically about "Abuse" in every sence of the word ~~ Domestic Abuse~ Physical Abuse ~ Child Abuse ~Verbal Abuse ~ Emotional Abuse its all in there in the RAW!!! what stood out for me was this sweet little boy he was about 9 or so yrs old and was submitted to many-many years of Domestic Violence between his Mother & Boyfriend ~but what was so Unique about this boy was that he was "Always" forgiving!!! untill the Very End ~~ I'll tell you no more!!! BUY THE BOOK ~~ it actually brought tears to my eyes because he was a "Good" little boy that didn't ask for anything that happened to him ~~ I love non-fiction as well "Real & True" ~~~


My "One" hero is of course The "God" almighty ~~ for without him "Nothing" would be possible ~~ he gives us "Strength" to change all "Negative" ~ "Wisdom" to know the difference & "Power" to change your "One" Body ~ My Mom & Dad second for creating a "strong" "Determined" Woman Everyone should know Their Own Potential & go for it!!! ~~ Head First ~~ You'd rather "Fail" trying then to have "Never" tried at all ~~ or "Fearful" of "Change" YOU are Responsible for your own Life ~~ No One else ~~ Yes you will have "Bumps" in the Road if you will ~~ Trials & Tribulations & especially "DOWNFALLS" but with the "Faith" you can "Conquer" all of that ~~ with Time & Patience ~~ but "First & Foremost" LOVE YOUSELF or you WILL NOT or COULD NOT change ~~ you must be "Determined" without that "You" will not succeed!!! ~~ Lastly my "Sons" ~~ especially my older one whom at the age of {17} was shot (9) times!!! unlike 50cent yes he survived but lost his Right lower leg! HE'S ALIVE THOUGH!!! and thats all that matters ~~ he is a "Success" against "All" the "Odds" ~~ my teenage son was born with "Challenges" if you will but I stopped working & dedicated all of my time to "Build" him up to a "Wonderful" son as he is ~~ yes he's a teenager "But" without the "Love"-"Patience" & "Determination" & most important believing in him & his "Full" Potential it would have been absolutely impossible for him to "Succeed" in this "Very" "Cruel" at times "Society" ~~~ he still has a "Long" way to go but with "Me" (no father)HE WILL MAKE IT!!!