Cars. Computers. Games(consoles, computer, etc.). Weird beers (Rogue Dead Guy!). My wife...when she is nice.
Mama Cass. No, scratch that. Make it Jesus and Mohammad at the same time, so they could arm wrestle for the championship and end strife in the middle east once and for all. See? I do care.
Everything but rap, or anything with a steel guitar. Especially rock, techno, r+b.
Sci-Fi (almost all, except Dark Star- ugh). Beyond that, they better have car chases, explosions, or breasts.
Simpsons, Family Guy, Discovery Channel.
Koontz, Jimmy Buffett (yes, he writes), Arthur C. Clarke. And lots of Maxim Magazines, due to my abnormally short attention span.
Peter Griffin. And Bo Darville (look it up, you lazy ass).