I'm all about the Tennesee Walkin Horse! It's a breed that has a special gait *gait= movement, like our walk, jog, and run* I regular horse usually only walks, trots, canters. But the Tennesee Walker can do a flatwalk, runningwalk, and a rack. Okey i'll shut up about the horse leason now! I also injoy playing card games, such as many types of poker, BS*had to convince my parents it ment bunny slippers when i was young*, spoons, speed, king in the corner, canasta *which is the best!* and many more.Some of my guilt intgerests have to be, chocolate, Mt. Dew, Vault, and Ramen *cant live without ramen*Take the quiz:
Find out what horse breed you really are
Tennessee Walking Horse
You are a Tennessee Walker! Smooth with a good temperament.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Hot CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow... savvy!?!?
Jack: "Where is the monkey? I need something to SHOOT!!!"Jack: "Is the jar of dirt going to help?"
Tia Dalma: "If you don't want it, give it back. "
Jack: "...No!" *clutches jar*Jack: "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess whats inside it! Hahahahahaha!!!"Gibbs: "Uh...we were expecting something well, a bit more...shiny."
Jack: "Shiny?"
Gibbs: "Aye, shiny."Jack: "Why is there never rum on this ship?!?!" *Sways as he gets up* "OOO.. Thats why."AFTER ESCAPEING THE CANNINBLES
Jack: *Clings to side of ship* "This is the day you all remember that you almost cap..." *SPLASH*... 0_0 -_-; *wet jack climbs up side of ship*
Ever since I'v been riding, country has been one of my favorite types. My favorite song at the moment is "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts. I also injoy alternative rock, some rap, R&B, And yes even the preteenish pop culture!
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
Comedy: Blue Collar Comedy Tour *all 3*, White Chicks, Little Man, Bruce Almighty, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Click The BEST Movie Of All TIME!!!!! Pirates of the Carribean "Dead Mans Chest"
Lost, King of Queens, Friends, Whose Line is it Anyway, 2 and a half men, Freddie, The Colbert Report, i have some more!
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LARRY THE CABLE GUY, he aint afraid to show of his true side, plus hes a redneck, just like ME!!!!!
GIT 'R' DUN!!!!!