StAndysBound! profile picture


Im Here To Stay Dammit!

About Me

Hi! I'm Allison, but most people call me either lil bit, emufarmer, or frappcino. Pickone LOL! Okey lets see... i LOVE horses, they are my life. I'v been half leasing a horse name shadow for 5 years now. I am a senior at Mooresville High *GO BLUE DEVILS WOOT!* I have been driving a Red 2000 voltswagon bettle, lil ruby is her name! Hope you injoy my webpage ^o^ I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

I'm all about the Tennesee Walkin Horse! It's a breed that has a special gait *gait= movement, like our walk, jog, and run* I regular horse usually only walks, trots, canters. But the Tennesee Walker can do a flatwalk, runningwalk, and a rack. Okey i'll shut up about the horse leason now! I also injoy playing card games, such as many types of poker, BS*had to convince my parents it ment bunny slippers when i was young*, spoons, speed, king in the corner, canasta *which is the best!* and many more.Some of my guilt intgerests have to be, chocolate, Mt. Dew, Vault, and Ramen *cant live without ramen*Take the quiz:
Find out what horse breed you really are

Tennessee Walking Horse
You are a Tennessee Walker! Smooth with a good temperament.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Hot CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow... savvy!?!? Quotes: Jack: "Where is the monkey? I need something to SHOOT!!!"Jack: "Is the jar of dirt going to help?" Tia Dalma: "If you don't want it, give it back. " Jack: "...No!" *clutches jar*Jack: "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess whats inside it! Hahahahahaha!!!"Gibbs: "Uh...we were expecting something well, a bit more...shiny." Jack: "Shiny?" Gibbs: "Aye, shiny."Jack: "Why is there never rum on this ship?!?!" *Sways as he gets up* "OOO.. Thats why."AFTER ESCAPEING THE CANNINBLES Jack: *Clings to side of ship* "This is the day you all remember that you almost cap..." *SPLASH*... 0_0 -_-; *wet jack climbs up side of ship*


Ever since I'v been riding, country has been one of my favorite types. My favorite song at the moment is "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts. I also injoy alternative rock, some rap, R&B, And yes even the preteenish pop culture!
Get your own countdown at


Comedy: Blue Collar Comedy Tour *all 3*, White Chicks, Little Man, Bruce Almighty, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Click The BEST Movie Of All TIME!!!!! Pirates of the Carribean "Dead Mans Chest"


Lost, King of Queens, Friends, Whose Line is it Anyway, 2 and a half men, Freddie, The Colbert Report, i have some more!


Click Here to get this from!


LARRY THE CABLE GUY, he aint afraid to show of his true side, plus hes a redneck, just like ME!!!!!
GIT 'R' DUN!!!!!

My Blog

Why can't U understand "Horse means life!"

Don't you understand, horse's are always my life. They will always be my life! Why is that so hard to understand. You say "You rather ride that horse, then hand out with friends!" My answer is always ...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 08:08:00 PST

Abused Stupidity Privilege

Abused Stupidity Privilege (is it real?) Did you know that every person on this planet is intitled to stupidity... its just 80buse the privilege! This is a known fact. If you think about it, me, you, ...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 06:43:00 PST


 OMG!!!! My B-Day is in 4 days!!!! Happy B-day to me!!!!
Posted by StAndysBound! on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 02:40:00 PST


   If you cant see this, than ignore it, if you can................. GO PANTHERS WOOT!!!!   They are so going to win, then go to the superbowl, and win there too, WOOT!!!!...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 11:33:00 PST


Have a HAPPY New Year! and also......awww perrddyy fireworks *looks in amazement* Dont get to DRUNK either!!! LoL...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 07:29:00 PST

Tennessee Walkers Group *PLEASE ALL READ*

*I need pep to join my group i made like 30 minutes ago, it doesnt matter if you even know anything about Tennesse walkers, if you have any questions, just leave it as a topic in the group!* PLEASE JO...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:42:00 PST

Horse Show!!!!!!

Man, i was supposed to go to a BIG horse show this weekend, in Dallas, but it gets cancled on me, heh, i feel so unlucky, so call me! i need to do something this weekend 704-677-2606 this is the only ...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 07:28:00 PST

3 more days till HELL

    Man! only 3 fuck'n days untill HELL *school*, o well i guess you have to go back at one point. Anyway today has been unlucky for me. I was supposed to go to Carowinds, a themepark i...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 05:26:00 PST

DMV, then BEACH????

MAN, i had to go to the DMV in Dirty-Mo, during a TORNADO WATCH, and during a tropical storm, fun fun fun  *Those dmv pep are so cranky too* Right after that i drove all the way to MRYTLE BEACH t...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

summer fun

¢¾¢¾SUMMER HELL YEAH!!!!!!!! NO SCHOOL NO HOMEWORK        &nbs p;   NO TESTS NO.... NO..... AHHH JUST FUN IN THE SUN ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!! ¢¾¢¾   &n...
Posted by StAndysBound! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST