I edited my profile at Doobix.com
Myspace Layouts: I'm a girl who always worried to be an old maid ,as my mom always say men always getting younger women always getting older that sound scary, and i'm always think about myself first shopping second paid all the bills is the last thing in my mind so if you don't see me .. sometimes it means i have no electricity
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||| 36%
Stability |||||| 26%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 43%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Mystical |||||||||||| 50%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||||| 56%
Hedonism |||||| 30%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||||||| 36%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 56%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 70%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical security |||||||||||| 50%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 44%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56%
Vanity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.comMartini!
Your sex life mostly resembles a Martini. You are suave, sophisticated and just a little kinky. You have an active sex life, but you only recruit the best to be your sex partners.
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com
Two Hundred Random Questions Survey
1. Have you ever licked a battery? (and if you haven't WHY NOT, it's fun!) no way
2. Last time you saw your dad? 4 years old
3. Do you want to go to college? i did
4. Do you like yourself? why not
5. Have you ever had your heart broken? yes
6. Have you ever committed suicide? yes
7. Do you own a camera phone? yes
8. Explain what you think about dating. good as long as i have one
9. Weekdays or weekends? both please
10. Bagels or chicken? chick
11. Have you ever been suspended from school? no
12. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? both
13. Day or night? night
14. What is your dream job? a housewife
15. Apple or Microsoft? mmm apple sounds more delicious..am i right?
16. Name one person you love, and why: britney ,shaved
17. Do you look like your mom or your dad? yes because of them so i have a funny life
18. Sprite or 7Up? sprite
19. Do you believe in free will? a movie?
20. Are your parents still together? no my dad died
21. One best friend or many good friends? officialy one best friend but luckily i have many good friends
22. Would you chug beer? no
23. Have you ever moshed? huh?
24. Would you give me $5? dare to dream
25. What is your favorite male name? alexander
26. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? absolutely
27. Would you try to take over the world? yes
28. Shorts or pants? shorts
29. Where do you live? bangkok
30. Have you ever been drunk? yes
31. Say something annoying. do i look fat?
32. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? tesco ,i don't know other places
33. Who is your newest friend? a hair dresser
34. Have you ever been abducted by aliens? i think i am the alien myself
35. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? no, do i have to?
36. Have you met anyone online? sure
37. Do you study the Bible? no
38. Do you like the taste of blood? eeeww
39. Land or water? water
40. Have you ever been on a cruise? never
41. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? me!
42. Rhyme, free verse, or slant rhyme? huh?
43. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? no!
44. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? fridays
45. Have you ever cut off a limb? huh?
46. Do you wear makeup? yes
47. Would you give money to a hobo? no
48. Favorite country? thailand
49. What is your favorite sport? swimming (men in speedo!)
50. Do you get annoyed easily? yes
51. Have you ever had a crush on the same sex? mmmmm..
52. Pink or blue? pink
53. Have you ever been on a road trip? yes
54. Rock or rap? none of them
55. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon
56. Do you believe that animals have souls? yes
57. Good or evil? good i'm an angel
58. Who is the most unique person you know, and why? britney ,shaved
59. Tofu or bacon? bacon
60. What's the most common name you know? john
61. Do you like celebrities? yes britney,shaved
62. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? no?
63. Have you ever made out with just a friend? huh?
64. Would you run from the police? run to him ,men in uniform why not
65. Have you ever gone to a mall? yes
66. Do you believe in life after love? never plan about it yet
67. What's the sickest you've ever been? shopping til nothing to eat
68. What is your biggest fear? alone
69. Do you smile a lot? no
70. Cars or planes? cars
71. Dominos or Pizza Hut? pizza hut
72. Have you ever been asked out? well...
73. What would you change about the past? my bank account
74. What is your lucky number? 3
75. What is your screen name? panwad
76. Do you memorize random facts? no
77. Are you afraid of the dark? yes
78. What is your most missed memory? i don't know?
79. What is your favorite female name? elizabeth
80. Mom or Dad? mom
81. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
82. When is your birthday? 1 april
83. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? 300 (men topless)
84. Have you ever tackled someone? yes
85. What is your hair color? brown
86. Do you have a girlfriend? yes
87. Do animals go to Heaven? yes
88. Drums or guitar? violin
89. What's your phone ringtone? some old thai beauty contest song
90. Have you ever cried in public? no never
91. Have you ever gone to a private school? ever
92. What's one unique thing about you? my beauty hahahaha
93. What is something you wish you were better at? flirting
94. Have you ever been in love? sure
95. Do you like the band Radiohead? yes
96. Have you ever asked someone out? yes
97. Who do you NOT want to meet? dentist
98. Would you have plastic surgery? why not
99. Who annoys you? dentist
100. What was the last compliment you received? sexy
101. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? mmm..elizabeth?
102. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? yes
103. Have you ever left the house naked? almost
104. One rumor that's been spread about you: huh?
105. Last time you used the bathroom? today!
106. Do you like cats? yes
107. Math or science? none
108. What do you do most when you're bored? sleep
109. Do you like having your picture taken? Why? well i don't know?
110. Have you ever broken a bone? no
111. Long or short hair? long
112. Do you love someone? yes
113. Would you live in a different country? no
114. Orange juice or apple juice? apple
115. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? who?
116. Favorite day of the week? sunday
117. Do you drink soda? yes
118. Would you date someone younger than you? yes..demi moore..cheers! you win
119. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? yesssss
120. Have you ever failed drivers' ed? Why? no?
121. Have you ever cut yourself? yes
122. What is your biggest weakness? men sweating
123. Have you ever been expelled from school? never
124. Would you eat sushi? yes
125. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? no
126. Do you ever cook? yes
127. Have you ever bought a car? never
128. Last time you were really really mad? everyday
129. Have you ever written a song? no
130. Have you ever been in a movie? porn?
131. Would you date someone older than you? if they are rich
132. Do you get enough exercise? i guess so
133. Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
134. Last time you cried? few days ago
135. Do you believe in aliens? yes
136. Favorite type of shoe? heels
137. What do you think of reality TV? i don't know
138. Do you like depressing music? nah
139. Would you kill someone? maybe
140. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no
141. TV or movie? movie
142. Have you ever sat on a rooftop? never
143. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry? jake gyllenhaal
144. Do you eat meat? not really
145. Yoga or pilates? pilates
146. Have you ever met a celebrity? yes
147. Do you like tongue twisters? no
148. Favorite athlete? not my style
149. Do you find dead people interesting? not my style either
150. Have you ever been home schooled? never
151. Do you like poetry? yes
152. Do you believe in miracles? maybe
153. Watching or playing sports? watching
154. Favorite food? italian
155. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing? huh?
156. Collar popped or normal? normal
157. Meat or veggies? veggies
158. Flip-flops or slippers? slippers
159. 'Digged' or 'dug'? i feel pain by those words
160. How do you vent anger? someone silly
161. Have you ever prank called someone? no
162. Do you think you're attractive? sure
163. Would you flip off the pope? no
164. Hug or kiss? both
165. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? no i'm sweet
166. What's your favorite animal? butterfly
167. Do you believe in love? yes
168. What is the perfect day for you? being in bed all day ahd there's food in the kitchen
169. Do you feel sad often? yes
170. Do you sleep naked? yes
171. Do you hate yourself? not really
172. What is your favorite name? same question
173. Do you have any piercings? yes belly
174. Do you like sports? yes
175. Do you drink alcohol? no
176. New York or California? california
177. Would you be my friend? if you are rich
178. Do you like dancing? yes
179. What's your favorite car? taxi
180. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? no i'm eating while do that
181. Tan or pale? tan
182. What were you doing at midnight last night? can't tell it's personal
183. What's your favorite drink? latte
184. What is your eye color? black
185. Do you like working with people? yes
186. Magazines or books? magazines
187. Have you ever made a blood oath? no
188. When do you get up? at noon
189. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? no
190. Favorite type of sock? clean
191. Have you ever sworn? yes but not often
192. Do you get along with your parents? yes
193. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? yes
194. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? no
195. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: nothing
196. What is your best physical feature? eyes
197. What name brand do you wear the most? too many
198. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? age line
199. How tall are you? 170cm
200. Lace or satin? lace Take this 200q survey!
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