"Le Prince" is story and music and pictures
- LE PRINCE first of all a great story
- LE PRINCE is a story for a movie
- LE PRINCE is a story for a musical
- LE PRINCE is a story for a book
- LE PRINCE is a story for a childrens book
- LE PRINCE music is from Mike Turtle (GB)
- LE PRINCE pictures are from Denis Roulet and Beat Schmid, there are hundreds of pictures of the HORSE MUSICALNow you can acquire the rights of "Le Prince"! Parts of the rights or all of them!Le Prince has played over 100 times as a horse musical www.horsemusical.com in Germany, France, Switzerland.Le Prince has been on TV at several occasions (EQUIDIA, France) in full length.Le Prince exists as a DVD. You can order one here [email protected] MOST OF ALL now YOU CAN NOW BUY THE RIGHTS OF LE PRINCE.YOU CAN BUY:
- the whole rights, including my half of the music rights and the editors rights
- part of the rights, for example for musical or for movie, or for a book.MAKE AN OFFER FOR WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY
- total rights
- musical rights
- film rights
- book rights
- photo rightsMAKE YOUR OFFER HERE:Dieter Speidel
[email protected]
+41-78-608 75 80
or write a message on myspaceI'm looking forward to your offers!found this retro layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
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