Reading, Finding Interesting and trying out new Cooking Recipes, Gaming (RPG, MUDs, MMORPG, LiveActionRP), Watching Movies, Hanging out at home, Feeding ducks in Scotia, Sightseeing
You Are a Soy Latte
At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxedAt your worst, you are: dogmatic and pickyYou drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting itYour caffeine addiction level: medium What Kind of Coffee Are You?
Don't Piss OFF an Island Girl. . . LoL typo
Blog Entries & Dates:
Hawaii Trip - July & August 2006
I like a wide range of music. From Classical to Cultural to Rock to Industrial. Its too many to mention at this point.
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Anything of Jackie Chan, Angelina Jolie, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Lopez, Rob Schneider, Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler, Will Smith, Bernie Mac, HANDSOME ROB (I know his name.. but to me it's always HandsomeROB)and anything from the Pixar studios. Monsters Inc, Shrek 1&2, Lilo & Stitch, Ice Age 1&2, XXX 1&2, Pink Panther & James Bond Movies.
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HEROES, Hell's Kitchen, (any Cooking show really!) LOST, CSI (all of them), Law & Order SVU, ANTM, Jane and the Dragon, Dead like Me, Scrubs, Ghost Whisperer and ER. Also a big fan of retired series, Forever Knight, Avonlea, HighLander, P:TL (Poltergeist the Leagcy).
Anybooks from the worlds of Peter Pan (JR Barrie), Narina (Chronicles of Narina by CS Lewis), Redwall (Redwall series by Brian Jacques "Jakes"), ElfQuest (EQ Series by Wendy & Richard Pini), Ender (Ender Series by Orson Scott Card). Also, Hawaiiana books, FolkLore & Legends (any ethnic group) and cooking books.
My heroes? I would say it's my parents & my brother Hanale