The Music Video for "Garbage Man" is Finally Here!
We are Brian and Phil, the Sweedish Pickles. And like most great things, it all started with two guys from New Jersey.
We've been a band for as long as we've been friends, way back in middle school when we got knocked to the same lunch table because nobody wanted to sit with us) but we only started to surface in fall 2006. Ancient recordings exist, such as songs like "Killing You", a parody of Sting's "Missing You", but you will never hear them... OK, maybe as a B-Side one day.
Rather than settling one style, or even several distinct styles, we play music that comes natrually to us. To put it bluntly, we do whatever we feel like. But yes, our music is natrual, and we don't try to vary outside our strong points, so basically, the music you hear on our page took no effort to write. It does sound pretty sweet though, huh? Music should be FUN! Even if we do a song that's not particuarly funny, it's still going to fun to listen to, and fun for us to play, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it.
We are only a two peice band, that being drums and guitar. We're not saying we'll never use more instruments or hire back-up musicians; It's more along the lines of, "Eh, we can live without them." Not to brag, but I really have to.. We're great, and seeing us play live is a lot of fun.
We are one of those bands who if you comment us, we'll probably leave you intelligable comments from us personally. Of course, this might be tricky when we become famous, so consider this a limited time offer deal. Oh yeah, tell your friends about us. We want to be popular.
We are the Sweedish Pickles, and yes, I know that Sweedish is only supposed to have one 'e'. Deal with it. Oh yeah, and enjoy the music.