superkidlinh! profile picture


Hoochie Linh in Ho Chi Minh!

About Me

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

I like to....
: dance
: drive my honday spacey around town
: watch and make films
: make tiny things with my hands without supergluing them together
: use power tools!
: take pictures
: walks
: eating lots of good food
: dinner parties!
: being a big nerd and proud of it

People also know me as...
: superkid
: Linh Lime
: Linh Fun
: Bargin Bin Linh

I'm currently living and working in Ho Chi Minh so check out the links below for the crazy and not so crazy adventures of Hoochie Linh in Ho Chi Minh



My Interests

: Power tools!
: Eating
: Travelling
: Meeting new people
: Dinner Parties
: Scrabble and other board games
: Watching and working on films
: Making tiny things
: Dancing
: Graffiti Art
: London Fog Tea
: finding beautiful chairs at value village and bringing them home to the annoyance of my roomies because we have no more room for chairs!

I'd like to meet:

: Film makers
: Creative people
: Dancing buddies
: People living and working in Vietnam who'll go show me the good bars, cafes, art shows and clubs to hit
: Herman, the Giant German Bunny


: The Avalanches
: The Sounds
: The Smiths
: David Bowie
: Teki Latex
: Cansei De Ser Sexy
: Joy Division
: Velvet Underground
: The Stills
: Belle & Sebastian
: CBC Radio 1
: This American Life
: Wes Anderson Soundtracks
: Old big band numbers
: Kylie Minogue
: Britney Spears, Rhianna & Justin Timberlake (damn, those are fine songs to dance to)
: Basically anything good that will get my feet moving and whatever songs take my fancy....


This list is ever changing....

: Films that i work on! Ha!! just kidding!
: Just saw Little Miss Sunshine! Hilarious!! Touching!! Awesome!
: I [Heart] Huckabees
: Lord of the Rings Trilogy (minus the ending from Return of the King)
: City of God
: Amelie
: Wes Anderson Films
: Wallace and Gromit
: Hitchcock films
: Wong Kar Wai Films
: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
: Lost in Translation
: Old Hollywood Golden Era Musicals
: The Sound of Music
: Pretty in Pink, Say Anything, Breakfast Club...any of those 80;s john hughes type of films
: Good documentaries

....Too many other films to mention


TV IS MY FRIEND.... Currently hooked on:
: Ugly Betty
: Heroes
: Dirt
: The Tudors
: America's Next Top Model..catfights! yeah!
: Law and Order


: David Sedaris
: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
: Intimacy
: An Unquiet Mind
: Norwegian Wood and other Murakami books
: Flipping through pretty art/design books that i can't afford - be it graphic, decorative arts, art, architechture, interior, etc...


: Anyone who can make a living doing what they love to do....and of course my of the hardest working, strongest women i know.

My Blog

Words of 2005

Here are some memorable words of 2005: Gretzky! Star Trek Prop Frozen Pea and 2 Gym Mats Par Avion Zoi Zoi Is that a ghostbuster dancing at "Going Steady"? Peanut Butter Jelly Time Hacinto! I made an...
Posted by superkidlinh! on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 04:01:00 PST