My Mom :]
I am a woman. No where near perfect and I am proud of that. Life is about taking chances and learning from all those experiences.
Hey! Let me start off by telling you that I am a complete dork.[Hey if you cannot laugh at yourself then you take life to seriously.] I have a hard time talking about myself, I find it weird, so I had my bestfriend describe me....
From Karen ♥
kayla is the type of girl that is completely crazzyy. she..s always down to do whatever. && she is always there when you need her. she..s been my best friend forever && a day. . . && that..s not gonna change anytime soon. she..s incredibly smart. talented. caring. && unique. she..s got a good head on her shoulders. . . && she absolutely adores her little brothers. && her two dogs. =] kayla is extremely open ; && she..ll never lie to you. she..s a christmasnut. . . but quickly gets over it. she..s a " simple " girl who simply wants to be loved. spoiled. && completely adored. !! she hates a lot of things. . . && she lives to work out. !! she..s a model. && i know that one day you..ll see her plastered across billboards everywhere. she is honestly one.of.a.kind. ; && she..s a [beyond] great friend. she..s outrageous. quirky. incredibly happy. && spontaneous. she..s not one of those " go to school " people. . . && probably never will be. either way. she..s a blast to hang out with. anyone who knows her is truly lucky. so remember that. !! this girl is not only my bestfriendeverrr. she..s my sister. && i love her dearly. !!
Interests: Hiking, camping, kayaking, paint balling, shopping, night life, dancing, singing, watching UFC, living life to the fullest.
Books: Harry Potter, Self Help, Mystery, Horror, and Fantacy.
"Do not live life as if you are going to last forever. But, live each day as if it were your last."