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Love, Strength, Knowledge & Blessings to all peoples!

About Me

HI! I'm Sug or Sugar Bear. Not my real name. I don't know why but that's what My Love mom & everybodies always calls me. I love Jah/God/Most High, my daugther, friends,family. No claim to perfection only progress. I am under(Most High) protection! I'm Blessed ALWAYS! I'M ONLY ON HERE FOR FRIENDSHIP. I'm respectful & appricate be'n treated, written & spoken to respectfully. I'm peaceful & high spirited 98% of the time. I like getting to know people from all over the world & Learning about diffrent peoples, places, & Cultures. My friends are my fam. Their all equal. Very beautiful souls hang out here. Respect that or move around! I belong to NO ONE on my page or in life. Only(Most High). Anything else just ask me.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

(Jah/God/Most High) till then Souls from all walks of life & countries. Peaceful, possitve, respectful big hearted, kind, spiritual & gental souls. but anybody's welcome Where all God's children. I'm not concerned with Looks, gender, money, age, race, & beliefs or what you do on your page. Please have/show Respect when you come to mine. Thank you. ONLY Respect & Love are allowed here!
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don't watch much T.V.



Jah/God(Most High) family, friends, anybody that works by the passions of there heart, not for greed.