first that you will notice when yah see me is my height coz im taller than average..i'm 5'8.Morena..and definitely warin a typical filipina just a simple lady who wants simple things so you will not have hard times when your with first impression,they say im a snub but im the opposite when yah really get to know me..because im always wearing my cute smile so people will feel at ease when they are talking to a friend im adjustable it depends on what kind of person u r..i can be so jolly or the most freaky if your that kind..but one thing is fou sure im a real friend i will not left you hagin in the air..coz i dont want people do such thing to me..i hate bitches who's flerting other girls boyfriend and ruwening their attracted to basketball players but i hate some who really are good in playing not basketball but gurlzzz.....i LovE tHe feELin of bE!ng HapPy..But ! hAtE thE c!RcUmstanCes..mOst oF alL i HatE SUffeR!ng jUst 2 B hApPy...i LoVe aDvEnTurez!!!i LoVe nAtUre,I lOvE eXpLoRing d!ffErEnt PlaCez,i LovE h!KinG bUt i hAtE mOsquit0s..i LoVe sPoRts bUt i'm nOt gOod in Any sPorTs.i LovE eAt!ng..i hAte exErc!se bUt i haVe 2!!i'm aLwaYs sLeEpinG bUt i hAtE to sleEp..huh???...i hAtE bOyz spEc!ally iF tHey cOlLect gUrLz bUt i cAnt Live w/o yah..i LoVe tHe fEel!n oF bEinG in L()vE bUt dOnt wAnt 2 faLL bEcaUse oF L()ve...^Yerterday i cried i came home, went straight to my room,sat on the edge of my bed, kicked off my shoes, unhooked my bra, and had myself a good cry. i'm tellin yah, i cried until my nose was running all over the silk blouse i got on sale. i cried until my ears were hot. i cried until my head was hurting so bad that i could hardly see the pile of soiled tissues lying on the floor at my feet. i want you understand, i had myself a really good cry yesterday. yesterday, i cried, for all the days that i was too busy, or too tired, or too mad to cry. i cried for all the days, and all the ways, and all the times i had dishonored,disrespected, and disconnected to myself, only to have it reflectyed back to me in ways others did to me. the same things i had already done to myself i cried for all the things i had given, only to have them stolen, for all the things i asked for that had yet show up, for all the things i had accomplished, only to give them away, to people in cirsumstances, which left me feeling empty, and battered and plain old used. i cried because there really does come a time when the only thing left for me to do is cry... i cries because i hurt. i cried because i was hurt. i cried because hurt has no place to go except deeper into the pain that caused it in the first place, and when it gets there, the hurt wakes you up. i cried because it was to late. i cried because it was time. i cried because my soul knew everything i needed to know. i cried a soulful cry yesterday, and it left so good. it felt so very, very bad. in the midst of my crying, i felt my freedom coming, because i cried with an agenda..wanna know me more
[email protected] my e.aDD