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Brenton Black
San Diego, CA
Age 22 - Virgo
When thinking about how to best express or explain myself to those of you who are interested, I realized how difficult it is to define Me. People have this idea of themselves or who they want to believe they are, but rarely do they provide a honest description allowing me to better understand them.
I could claim that I'm entertaining, intelligent, comforting, generous, eccentric, kind, and understanding which would be a portion of who I am. I also enjoy camping with my friends, or spending time at the beach building bonfires, going to the mountains to explore abandoned buildings, and driving around late at night with good company in the seat next to me and no particular destination in mind. These are the more delightful aspects of who I am.
The other qualities people tend to leave out are the negative or neutral characteristics. For instance, I'm also a procrastinator and frequently miss deadlines or arrive casually late to get-togethers, a perfectionist yet I find beauty in most things that are imperfect, a glutton for self-sacrifice by usually putting others before myself regardless of the consequence, and I have horrible posture while sitting. These are all things that comprise my idea of Me, and who's to say that any of this is true until you discover it yourself?
If you want to know more, then talk to me. If you want to understand me better, then spend time with me, and if you just want to have a drink, I'll be more than happy to bring the wine and a good coversation.
As for some background history, I lived in San Diego, CA for the majority of my life. Growing older had it's enjoyable moments and it's less favorable ones, but overall I had a great childhood. After graduating high school, I put more emphasis into going out and having a good time than i did my education. Eventually my parents figured I needed to be more responsible, so they asked me to move out.
I left school behind and moved to Arizona for a job working as a computer technician at an international company. I learned a lot about myself and worked on polishing some of my less admirable qualities during the two years that I lived there. Realizing the importance of a good education, I decided it was time to move back to my hometown and enroll in school again. This is where I'm currently at during this point in my life, and hopefully my story will only get better from here.
Audio Section Introduction June 28th, 2005 January 6th, 2007
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
"Undoubtably one of the best people I have ever met. Although our minds tend to fall in the gutter, you never stray too far from your comfortable grounds as a true gentlemen. Weighing a heavy importance on honesty, combined with an unusual sense of humor and intellect, has made you my best confidant."
- Linzy
"The thing about Brenton that I have perceived from knowing him, is that he is a well-intentioned person. One definition of a gentleman is a man who tries to make those around him as comfortable as possible, which basically describes him. He is a very grounded person, and is carefree in some ways because there are more important things in life to him like being a humanitarian, the environment, animals, etc. He is sorta like a Frodo that grew taller, and his disposition sometimes reminds me of Gilbert Grape. He is like Mother Theresa...with a dick."
- Aaron
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