I love Rock music, as you can probably gather, I have a guitar which is crap, but it does the job, hoping to set up a band with some mates if we actually do something about it. I also play a load of sports, but not too much nowadays, but i enjoy all sorts, such as Football, rugby, snooker. Something to pass the time. I also go to the gym to keep fit because I am applying for the fire service this year after my job in the SU has finished. I occasionally go boxing as well. But not for a while. My football career went down the pan after numerous injuries, but i still play when i can and I am a big fan of Bristol City. OPEN THE EAST END!!!
All my guitar hero's........THE TOP 10 FITTEST WOMEN ON EARTH 1 - Christina Aguilera 2 - Jessica Simpson 3 - Carley Stenson 4 - Carmen Electra 5 - Mariah Carey 6 - Tiffany Muhuleron 7 - Famke Janesson 8 - Beyonce Knowles 9 - Kiera Knightly 10 - Kylie Minogue
OK, this page may seem a bit of a Slash fan club with all the videos that I have of him, but he's been my hero since i was young and my dad and Auntie used to make me listen to Guns N Roses. November Rain is my favourite song of all time, and I think Slash is the best guitarist ever, although it aint all just a Slash fest with my music taste, i love Oasis almost as much as Guns N Roses, as well as a shed load of indie / rock from the 70's and 80's, ie The Clash, Deep Purple, Rainbow, Stone Roses. I've not been to as many gigs as i'd like but i've seen, Bon Jovi, Velvet Revolver, Guns N Roses, The Strokes, Artic Monkeys, Lost Prophets, Massive Attack, Deep Purple, Motorhead and Kylie Minogue (cuz she's hot).......
Die hard is the greatest movie ever, closely followed by terminator two. I've been watching these films all my life and i just adore them, action, comedy and a shed load of violence as well as quality story lines. But away from the action films, i'd like to say that It's A Wonderful Life is also one of the greatest films of all time, and yes, i did cry at the end cuz it's really emotional.
I have strange selection of TV shows, the ovbvious ones are The Simpsons, Family Guy, Only Fools and Horses, Top Gear, Soccer AM, American Dad. but also other shows like Hotel Babalon, Waterloo Road, for some reason, i've taken a liking to those. I watch too much tv really,
The FDNY (Fire Department of New York) ....The fact of the matter is, is that you get these lefty twunts who claim that September 11th was a conspiracy by the American Goevrnment in order to give them a reason to invade the Middle East and take control of the Oil plantations in Iraq, Iran, Syria etc. BOLLOCKS TO YOU. Whichever side of the coin you decide to belive, you have to admire what the FDNY did that day, the pictures of the Fire crew going up the stairs whilst the people in ran down brings a tear to the eye everytime i look at it. God Bless them.