Starring: John Brodie, Michelle Cantwell, Marq Withers, Helena Vaughn, Dan Resha, James Eisenlohr, Anibal Perez
Special FX Make-up by Jason Wallach
Director of Photography by Dan Resha
Music by The Unquiet Void
Written and Produced by John Brodie
Edited and Directed by Ron Atkins
Dark Night of the Soul is an experimental occult film that was shot in South Florida in May of 1998. The film is about an exiled cult leader who has lost his way and bascially doesn't know who he is any longer. He hangs out in graveyards and smokes black opium in which enables him to communicate with sex and drug crazed zombies.
4 college kids find their way into his domain and are kidnapped and educated into the arts of mental expansion. The film is very esoteric and no one can watch the film without having their mind challenged in one way or another. It is now known as a Midnight movie among the underground film community and college drug parties have been held with a viewing of Dark Night of the Soul as the initiation for newbies to watch.
Scorpio (aka Dark Night of the Soul) is available on DVD from: