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About Me

My name is Fab, i'm a carbon-based life being, coming from Italy/France, i was born more or less 9225 days ago...i'm a keyboard player and live sound technician. I also have some WEB activities, arranging and creating keys part for other artists and bands.Oh, you can check out something mine at or or ... Cheers ^^'

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Fab Live at Wasabi Rock Festival 2009 .. All pics by Guido Tamburro

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Om, Tolkien, Kazushi Hagiwara, Mozart, Tim Burton, Einstein, Alucard, Aria.G, YOU and many others people.

My Blog

"STREAMS" Featuring Bill Berends

Yeah, what to say, from dream to reality, i've the pleasure to "play" on the same song with one of my top five guitarist and musician of all time!Check it out on my profile or at
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 05:30:00 GMT

Upload! New Song, Shindance

this time it's about fire! a big thanx to Bill B. for be my virtual trainer and for the people who support me... the elements are over...but why to stopo the the 4 classical elemnts when there is ligh...
Posted by on Thu, 28 May 2009 19:50:00 GMT

citazioni e pensieri del caxxo

L'orrore è quando la morte ti bacia in bocca... E poi ti getta nell'abisso... E tu continui a precipitare, solo, tra incubi spaventosi.. ..E le tue urla si perdono in quel silenzio nero e disperato......
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 06:52:00 GMT

Landquake! New song!

Just uploaded a new song on this time it's about "earth"...stones, woods, a giant and some kodamas "japanes little spirits of nature"... Enjoy, if you want lea...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 05:51:00 GMT

Christian dior : Fahrenheit : La plage (HD) really oneirc advert! i was really young the first time i saw it and finally after long long time i refound it! so i share...cheers! (Fahrenhei...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 06:48:00 GMT

New song uploaded, Whispers!

I have got the flu... and cause near my bed there is my redbaby(karma) and the pc, the only thing left to me is to play and record something...So there is Whispers Lord (also speaking about some eleme...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 18:47:00 GMT

New Year New Music! Streams...

well what to say.... check my "Myspace Musical Page"  and have a listen to Streams Lady, one day searching for some sounds i did a backtrack, played some bass sound and did a...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:03:00 GMT

L'uomomerda la storia di un maestro del suo discepolo e di un'oscura magia... l'evocazione del golem di sterco... ma che cosà vorrà fare questa mostruosa creat...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 18:42:00 GMT


in my musical life?!? (who cares?^^') ..... well i've finished to record all keysboards parts for the upcoming Nhorizon's first full lenght album, i also finished to work on the new Tower of Stone's a...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:51:00 GMT


well, finally the fuckin summer job is ended... now i have more (maybe) than one month to finish the songwriting of two new song for my band's demo, to control the artwork of the booklet, to try to re...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:23:00 GMT