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sar & jen

“Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”

About Me

Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0 Get MySpace Layouts at Belief is a beautiful armor, But makes for the heaviest sword,like punching under water,you never can hit who you're trying forLife isnt simple, it can be very hard and very tough, but if you try look at the good things in life, you will realise how much simpler life can be. It may still be hard, it may still be tough, but the amount of minutes, happy that you gained can never be repayed nor replaced. You have one life. Do what you love most. But dont hurt other people on the way, always think about other before yourself. Put others before yourself. Remember, To have a friend, you have to be a friend. Friends can lie, friends can cheat. Its sad to say, that most of your friends you have, arent real. If you have one true friend, you are eztremely lucky. Life isnt about the amount of friends you have, nor how many times you kissed that "guy", its about finding a place in the world. Making a life ofurself, inorder to benefit others. To help other people.THink about those who have run out of time in their life. The young people that die, that did not make a difference in the world.One thing that I TRY and do ,is always smile. Maybe sometimes im upset, and by smiling i hide my tears. but seeing someone sad, makes me upset, and i would never want to hurt anyone. I try my hardest to laugh at every oppurtunity, and it seems i do not have to try, as it is natural. I laugh all the time. I Never stop laughing. Laughing is like sharing happiness. Happiness should never be taken for granted. Its only when things are garn u relise how much you needed them. If my family and friends were garn, i dont think i could live in this world.They mean the world to me.I love being with my friends. They know who I am, and accepts me for it. I believe that my friends bring out the inner me. I can be myself infront of them. I love seeing them, hearing their voices, it gives me a sort of comfort, as if I found my home in their heart, they sure found their home in mine. Its hard to say that I always "Love" my friends. Sometimes we get into fights, but its amazing, how when you look back at yourself, 10 years from now, you will realise how pointless your fight was. I love it how friends put in effort to make your living worthwhile. All the small things that don't really matter. Its strange how when its someones birthday, people seem to show more afection for the birthday girl, as if they can only admit how much love they have for them, now. Why cant everyday be someones birthday, i mean they have lived an extra day. Why cant we celebrate "mothers" day more. MOthers day should be everyday. Everyday mothers make our day, the best day. who I enjoy waking up to a brand new day because the many beautiful things i did not notice the day bfore, i will notice today. Today, not tomorrow. Live life, like there is no tomorrow. Dream. Imagine. Create. Create a life for yourself you enjoy. Family, friends, they will always be there for you. Always love and accept yourself for who you are.Don't portray an imagine of yourself, reflecting of another person's mirror. People will love you less.Be yourself. Be an Indivisual. Love the word "love". I love to sing, although Im usually told to shutup! I love to play my guitar, create objects to wide for an imagination, and laugh.You can never laugh to much. You never know when you won't be allowed to laugh.Hate the word "hate". Although it flys out my mouth often. I hate a little, although i say I hate a lot. I love learning. Learning from elderly. Sharing their experiances. Sharing their memories. Their regrets. Their mistake. Their happiness. As i learn more about their life, i begin to understand and see different things I may incounter. I may take the wrong turn, and end up regretting the path i took. But in the end, it got me where I am today, and I'm happy. The memories that I have and will continue to have, will be kept close to my heart, as they are the only "things" I can keep forever. Don’t be reckless with other peoples hearts, dont put up with people who are reckless with yours. Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind the race but in the end, its only with yourself. Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; Smile like you mean it :-) Never forget to smile. Enjoy our myspace.

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Smile like you mean it :-)
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