About Me
I'm a full time professor at Los Angeles City College. I'm getting older every year, but I still get carded now and then. I'm a huge nerd and bookworm, but I also love to rock out. I teach voice and some music theory and music ed classes. I have a masters degree in voice from Hunter College (NYC) and a Ph.D. from USC in historical musicology. I wrote my dissertation on the novel, film, and play A Clockwork Orange. If you've ever seen the movie or read the book, you can probably accurately predict that I'm a little...eccentric.I'm a wacky person and I love to make my students laugh as well as teach them about music. My classes tend to be both fun and challenging. My philosophy is: if you're laughing, you're listening and if you're listening, you're probably learning. If you take a class with me, you'll know that underneath all the jokes, I really know my stuff.I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I went to undergrad in Manhattan and I've lived in three of the five boroughs. Although I miss my hometown of NYC, I've been enjoying L.A. for the last seven years. Outside of music, I love to read, see films, and write fiction. I also love TV. My fave shows are: the Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Big Love, Entourage, HIMYM, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Survivor (yes, I still watch this), and I am a total sucker for AFV. Moviewise, I love art films and big budget blockbusters. Favorite movies include: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Ice Storm, A Clockwork Orange (naturally), Star Wars (episodes 5 and 2 are my faves), and like a million others.As for reading, I'll pretty much read anything awesome people recommend to me, but I'm quite fond of the Harry Potter and Narnia series. Some of my favorite authors are: Donna Tartt, Rick Moody, Nick Hornby, and William Faulkner. My writing style is very Nick Hornby. I am in the process of trying to publish my first novel. We shall see what happens there.I live near LACC with my boyfriend of eight years (we've been together 8 years, he's not 8 years old) and our cat, Torgo (who is 9).