SOULA Reppin Chicago Tribe Crew profile picture

SOULA Reppin Chicago Tribe Crew

living is easy with eyes closed-John Lennon

About Me

I want to live every day and every moment to the fullest. I want to be able to make myself happy before someone else has to. I would rather spend time doing something then reading about it. I want to travel before I loose the energy to do so. I want to see what it is like to really do something on my own.

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My Interests

My Check-it!!! My Familia, breakin, house dancing, community, running, writing poetry, drumming, singing, eating ritz bitz peanut butter crackers, school (finally), a fuckin revolution, reading, knowing the truth, telling the truth, remembering my ancestors, babysitting, children


breaks, common, kanye west, rhymefest, Chicago hip-hop, salsa, medicine songs(Primeaux's&Blackhorses), HOUSE MUSIC (Chicago stuff), merengue, Incubus, Sole, Amel Larrieux, Black Eyed Peas, Buena Vista Social Club, breaks, electronica, Intel's beats, Sek 1 beats, Motown, Beatles, pow-wow music, traditional Mexicano songs,Makers beats, Black Lodge, Lila Downs, Immortal Technique, Spearhead, Saul Williams


Slam, Rabbit Proof Fence, Kundun, Hero, Joy Luck Club, Frida, 1st Matrix, Fourth World War, Motorcycle Diaries, Thunderheart, Truth and Lies of 9-11, 500 Nations, Smoke Signals, Shawshank Redemption, Million Dollar Baby, Ray, Ong Bak, any Bruce lee flick, Malcom X, Hurricane, Crooklyn, Do the Right Thing, Beat Street, The Last Samurai


TLC, HGTV, Discovery Channel(DOG WHISPERER)


"I am a culture junkie, a revolution junkie, and a history junkie"


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My Blog

Letter to Oprah from Saul

from a Hip Hop HeadAn Open Letter to Oprah WinfreyBy SAUL WILLIAMSDear Ms. Winfrey,It is with the greatest respect and adoration of your loving spirit that I write you. As a young child, I would sit b...
Posted by SOULA Reppin Chicago Tribe Crew on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST

If bees are gone, in 4 years we are gone!!!

The Birds, the Bees, and Earth Day  Bill Maher New Rule: From now on Earth Day really must be a year round thing. And in honor of this Earth Day, starting Monday supermarket clerks must stop putt...
Posted by SOULA Reppin Chicago Tribe Crew on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:32:00 PST