My japanese name is .. Kazuma (one reality).
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My japanese name is .. Kazuma (one reality).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Name Generator Generator .
Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you
miss love, you miss life" by Leo
Buscaglia. Yes, love is indeed what you desire
in your life. If you have it or not is another
matter, but it is in your eyes the most
important feeling.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
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?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
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Well I like just about all rock and most music in general. And thanks to certian people who will remain Kevin I now like Rap. *pouts in corner* I refuse to accept that it is the 21st century. Kev: Ahh come on out. Me: nu'uh *sniffles* I dont wanna.
Lord of the rings, Sin City, Rush Hour 1&2, Shinghia noon, Spiderman 1&2, X-men 1&2, thats about it right now.
Well I like most sit-coms. Friends, Fraiser, Will and Grace, Darhma and Greg, Futurama, Family Guy, Yes Dear, and Everybody Loves Raymond.
Harry Potter, thats right I like a kids book deal with it. The Lord of the Rings, The Davinci Code, Jurassic Park, Lost World, many others.
As I sit here and ponder I realize that I have no heroes to speak of. In this sad world there is no one left that is not uncorrupted enough to be worthy of admiration. But as I write this I realize that my friends, people who are always there for me, through good and bad. The messed up relatonships, and deaths of friends. These are the people worthy of my admiration. Call me sappy, but I thank God that they will always be there for me. And I would like to think that they feel the same way about me. So thank you (in no particular order)Lyn,. your trust in poeple is so refreshing, and you never fail to make me laugh. Holly, what can i say about a friendship that has lasted 17 years. Heather, Your drive an ambition are an insperation to me. Rob, we will fifnish that book someday. Kev F, You owe me a game of chess man. Ken, HA! Kev M, stoop switching jobs so much in rl and in ffxi. Jeff, you have been there longer than anyone hell we have known eachother from birth thanlyou for all you have done for me. and Trent, your still with us man. Thankyou all with out you life would be duull and unintersting. I thank you all for being there. Love ya.