I like: The colour green, Music, My guitar, Poetry, Cafe mocca, To sing, Spring, Chrismas, The sound of guitars, Learning new things, Nature, Having fun.I hate: Spiders, Exams, When the ground is slippy because of the cold weather. When Im ill. People who lie.
artistic, crazy, creative, curious, cheerful, energetic, excited, funny, grateful, happy, lovely, nerdy, okey, optimistic, peaceful, pessimistic, relaxed, silly sympathetic, thankful or weird people from around the world!NOTICE: Im not here for dating! so please dont try to add me and send me private messages if thats what youre after! Im so sick of it!
I love music! To make a list would be difficult. I buy to many CDs!
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I dont have much time to read because I am in college so I have to study but I am a fan of Nick Hornby and Erlend Loe. I also liked Are Kalvø "Nød" a lot.
People who dare to go their own ways in stead of beeing a follower! Most people who have made a name of themselves have dared to think different and gone in a different direction then the rest.
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