Comic Books, obviously... and... Stay alone in a pub. Watch people. Write about them. Let them come. Talk to them.
Steven Tyler, Jim Jarmush, Albert Dupontel, at the same time, for a lunch.
Tom Waits. (And I could stop here).Noir Désir, métal music for the souvenirs it's bring me, Les Têtes Raides, le trio Brel/Brassens/Ferré, System of a Down, Tenacious D, William Sheller, english pop, Manowar, Camille.
The Thin Red Line, Eternal Sunshine Of a Spotless mind, Burton/Gilliam/Cohen's Brother, Conan The Barbarian, StarWars, Muppets Christmas Carol, Monthy Python's Holly Grail and Brian's Life... Usual Suspect...
BSG, HIMYM, Heroes, Dead like Me, Twin Peaks, Arrested Development...
Neil Gaiman / "J'irais cracher sur vos tombe" (Boris Vian)/ The Catcher in the Rye (Sallinger)/ H.P. Lovecraft / The Old Man and The Sea / 30's to 60's american SF
The alternate me who do his best to achieve his dreams.