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About Me

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Well there is not all that much about me...I am a new wife...yeah But that doesn't define who I am...MIRA..."MYRA" ahhh yes alass I am a Mrs now, weird!!!!nothing has changed it seems all the same. I have however lost my first name somewhere and Patrick will now refer to me as "MY WIFE" when he talks to his friends, co workers Family LOL "tell my WIFE" talk to" MY WIFE", I'll ask "MY WIFE"...it's pretty funny really!! I care with all my heart...I mean thats what I chose to do for a living!!! "I am care giver" I work with people with developmental and physical disabilities "special needs" if you will,Trying to FREE developmentally, Physically and mentally challenged individuals from the horror of living in institutions and "normalizing" them either back into society or a community type of living and giving them basic life skills.... I love to write and sing ( EVEN if I can't sing) I still do...I am a MONKEE Fan...you know the 60's TV Band yeah I love them...Davy Jones was my Very First Love...at the tender age of 12, in 1988 that was a little weird ah oh well, I was the only kid in the 8th Grade that had the hots for a 45 year old man!! what can ya do??..... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds .. Home | Browse | class="navbar"Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

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My Interests

by patandmiraI love everything these days, Photography, and writing stories and poems I just can't spell, super natural stuffWWW.COSATTOCOASTAM.com with George Noory and Art Bell some freaky stuff!!http://community.webshots.com/user/patandmira ( go see my .. photo album)...And well Driving my friend Nita davy Jones CRAZY!

I'd like to meet:

by patandmira
adopt your own virtual pet!A whole slew of Great people, Monkee fans, davy Jones Fans..LOL I'm all about THE PEOPLE...I am a Friendly Canadian just looking to make a few friends on my Space...
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Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.com So much.....The Monkees and To say that everything David Foster touches!! Show tunes,James Blunt, Jewel, BACH, John Stevens...Franky!!! rat pack, every thing and anything...I LOVE MUSIC
Take the Hey Hey, Which Monkee Are You? Quiz.


Valmont, The sound of music,JESUS starring Jemery sisto ...


What's Your TV Monkee Personality?
Davy: Yes, you're Davy Jones. You charm all the laides (or men, as I recognize that many girls will be taking this quiz) and use your good looks for the greater good of obscure small countries! Okay, so you pick up the occasional chick or two at a party, but that's just perks, right?
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeREALITY TV, THE MONKEES, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Medium, Kidnapped, Ghost Whisper, Ghostly encounters, Jamie Oliver, Days Of our Lives ( Gotta have ONE soap)Nanny 911, my sweet 16, The Hills, Luguna Beach, Heros, ER, CSI , Family Guy so many tv shows ...



My Blog

How I met The Davy....Jones that is

In 1987 at the age of 12, I was flipping through the TV channels and stopped on "THE MOMKEES" ah I figured I'd check it out, who knew that 20 years later I would still be a "fan" and that Davy Jones w...
Posted by Mira on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:07:00 PST

A poem for Patrick

Your Love I close my eyes and there you standreaching for my quivering hand,you pull me close and hold me tightfor our love is quite the sight.you wisper words into my ears,chasing away the given...
Posted by Mira on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:01:00 PST

My Story

There I was fresh out of college with a world of opportunities, not for what most are thinking, I am a health care aide not a glamorous job, true. But one with a little power, I am able to bring a li...
Posted by Mira on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:51:00 PST

Oh the way it WAS

My fiancée's ParentsOh to be that girl in the back of the bus with the braids in her hair and head phones on, music blasting through them, she starts to sing out loud, off key, but doesn't realize tha...
Posted by Mira on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:57:00 PST

Working the over night shift sucks

You know, This isn't what I thought I would be doing for a living!! Working with people with special needs is such a wonderful job and so very fullfilling..but working the over night truly sucks.....m...
Posted by Mira on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:35:00 PST

So Cute

I'd like to think that I am a woman of the 90's late 90's Here I am at 3:00 in the morning, just getting off work a few hours ago, my Husband is fast asleep in our bed. MY HUSBAND weird! We have been ...
Posted by Mira on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:18:00 PST