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Well there is not all that much about me...I am a new wife...yeah But that doesn't define who I am...MIRA..."MYRA" ahhh yes alass I am a Mrs now, weird!!!!nothing has changed it seems all the same. I have however lost my first name somewhere and Patrick will now refer to me as "MY WIFE" when he talks to his friends, co workers Family LOL "tell my WIFE" talk to" MY WIFE", I'll ask "MY WIFE"'s pretty funny really!! I care with all my heart...I mean thats what I chose to do for a living!!! "I am care giver" I work with people with developmental and physical disabilities "special needs" if you will,Trying to FREE developmentally, Physically and mentally challenged individuals from the horror of living in institutions and "normalizing" them either back into society or a community type of living and giving them basic life skills.... I love to write and sing ( EVEN if I can't sing) I still do...I am a MONKEE know the 60's TV Band yeah I love them...Davy Jones was my Very First the tender age of 12, in 1988 that was a little weird ah oh well, I was the only kid in the 8th Grade that had the hots for a 45 year old man!! what can ya do??..... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds .. Home | Browse | class="navbar"Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
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