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Get Your Sexy Name
The IMPORTANT things in Life: Faeries, Magick, Childlike wonder, pillow fights, food fights, waterballoons, pixiestix, a childs laughter, LOVE ONE ANOTHER & BE OPENMINDED to new experiences.I have many interests: I dress as & act as a pirate, gypsy, or faerie at renfaires, I'm into Gothic & shiny things, a huggie person, books & movies, RARELY if ever watch tv, medieval & renaissance, Alternative religions, a total music junkie, the odd & unusual. I'm into reading, writing, singing, playing percussion & string instruments, photography, philosophy, talking, collecting swords & daggars, skulls, rainbows, bdsm, I am a walking paradox of interest & personality. Question, just ask.
I like virtually ANY music depending on my mood EXCEPT Gospel. THE only exception to that would be Mahaila Jackson b/c she had a beautiful voice. I have a VAST mp3 & cd collection with lots of thigs that others might not have heard of. Examples are Rainbow Brite Techo, Powerpuff Girls techno, Sesame St. Techno, The Manson Girls singing ' Never say never to always...", Middle Eastern belly dance music w/ a techno beat that I'd just heard from a neighbor the other day, etc...chance are if you name it, I have it in rap, country, hip hop, rock, old rock, heavy metal, etc.... EXTREME favorites are some like: Tori Amos, ICP, Metallica, Charlie Daniels, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin, Beatles,Greatful Dead, Janis Joplin, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Monkees, Pink Floyd, Shakespere Sister, Midnight Syndicate, Nine Inch Nails, Mindcandy, Happy Hardcore, Celtic music, Pagan Music, Loreena Mckinnett, Incubus/Subcubus, Tom Smith , Korn,...the list is large. Chances are if you name a song, the group, or the style of music I have it. ATTENTION MYSPACE BANDS: I SUPPORT MUSIC FROM ANYONE & I'M ALWAYS WILLING BUT I GET LOTS OF REQUESTS TO LISTEN TO ALL, & I DO MEAN ALL, OF YOU B/C OF MAIL. IF I DON'T GET TO YOU FOR AWHILE, DON'T BE OFFENDED. I GOT SLAMMED WITH MAIL AGAIN. I HAVE DISCRIMINATING TASTES ALSO SO IF I DON'T ACCEPT YOU AS A FRIEND...PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED.
ANYTHING that is Tim Burton/Danny Elfman,Kevin Smith & Stanley Kubrick. There are too many to list but I like MANY sci-fi, horror, goth, comedy, fantasy, adventure movies. I also like old classics & some biographies & musicals.
I usually don't watch TV. VERY rare. But I do like a few shows: CSI NCIS I like Adult Swim & the old superfriends,....I like the History channel, Cartoon Network, Sci-fi channel. The learning & discovery channels. Other than to learn something, the Idiot Box is pretty much useless unless my friends come over & we have movie, drinking, Uno night. Oh & british tv like "Are you being served?"; Dr.Who, Monty Python, and other fav's are Robot Chicken and other warped cartoons. I also like classic tv: THE MONKEES ARE MY FAV followed by Batman, Wonder Woman, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched, get the idea.
Anne Rice, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Robert Anton Wilson, Robert A Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, Anton Szandor LaVey, CS Lewis, Konstantinos, Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland aka Uncle Bucky's Big Blue Book, Issac Asimov, Various books on religion, philosophy, mythology, magick, occult, & sex. And comics such as Sandman, Lady Death, DC Vertigo I don't read as much as I used to unfortunately. in real life...anyone who helps another WITHOUT an alterior motive. ..My husband for helping me thru the difficult times, My mom for being there for me & ALL HAIL Eris: Goddess of Chaos b/c without her, my life would be BLISSFULLY BORING! Honestly I also admire the Darkness of people too. I'm facinated in what makes a person tick?! People like Charles Manson, Morticia Adams, Edward Gorey, Edgar Allen Poe, ....... I also consider those closest friends to me a godsend as well. Our little crazy gang has been through alot together & the guilty know who you are. 8)