Recent Accomplishments (since January 2006):* We were chartered with the Pennsylvania Young Democrats * We hosted meetings with Joe Sestak, Joe Hoeffel, Barb McIlvaine-Smith and Andy Dinniman * We worked for Andy Dinniman, who became our first State Senator in over a century * We worked for Joe Sestak, who defeated a long-term incumbent for US Congress * One of our YDs, Mike Handwerk, upset an incumbent in a Phoenixville Borough Council Race and is now the favorite to become the youngest elected official in the county * Another YD, Kevin Fitzpatrick (is our nominee for Recorder of Deeds * Our former Vice-President, Jonathan Long, became Secretary of the County Party and then Legislative Aide for Barb Smith * We designed, produced, and distributed a lit piece which is currently on display at the Chester County Historical Society * Two YDs (and a former ChesCo YD) were tapped for extremely important positions in the recent County Commissioners primary * We have sent delegations to State PAYD meetings larger than Philadelphia or Allegheny County * Our former Treasurer, Abe Haupt, is now President of Montgomery County YDs * Our former Vice-President, Eddy Foster, is now Vice President of the YDA College Caucus, the second highest ranking position for a college student * Our former President, Daniel E. Tyman, was chosen to be Secretary of the Chester County Democratic Committee to "maintain the spirit of cooperation between the County Party and the Young Democrats" * We received a standing ovation on the floor of the YDA National Convention in January * We were named PAYD Flagship Chapter * Our Secretary, John Haskell, has become the expert in High School recruitment state wide * Our former Treasurer, Abe Haupt, was appointed Recording Secretary of PAYD * Our former President, Dan Tyman, was elected Corresponding Secretary of PAYD
All democrats in Chester County under 35 years of age!!!!!
Bruce Springsteen, Bon-Jovi, Kanye West, Pink, Dixie Chics
Bullworth, The Manchurian Candidate, Bob Roberts, An Inconvinient Truth, Farenheit 911, anything good and liberal.
Lou Dobbs, Meet the Press, The Daily Show, Anything on Channel 12
Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot by Al Franken, My Life by Bill Clinton, Amerika by Jon Stewart, Don't Think of an Elephant
Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Howard Dean, Wesley Clark, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bobby Casey Jr., Lois Murphy, Lonni Frank, Lois Herr, Tom Houghton, Josh Young, Joe Sestak, Harry Reid, Michelle Vaughn, Dan Weand, Rich Ciamacca, Ed Rendell, Barbara McIlvane-Smith and of course Andy Dinniman!!!