Alphabetical Order. Alternative Thought. Animals. Backpacks. Conversation. Double-Time. Freestyle. Fun. Graffiti. Growth. Headphones. Hip-Hop Culture. Improvisation. Independence. Integrity. Laughing. Learning. Listening. Music. Polyrhythms. Questions. Sarcasm. Skepticism. Self-Discovery. Solitude. Staccato. Stimulants. Toronto Blue Jays. Toronto Maple Leafs. Vocabulary. Writing.
Unattainable Mentally Abusive Women.
last week
Lost in Translation.
Rap Films.
Reservoir Dogs.
the Wire.
the Art of War - Sun Tzu. Blowback: the Cost and Consequences of American Empire - Chalmers Johnson. Can't Stop, Won't Stop: History of the Hip Hop Generation - Jeff Chang. the Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger. the Complete Calvin & Hobbes Collection - Bill Watterson. Get in the Van - Henry Rollins. Maus - Art Spiegelman. Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell. the Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli. Rule of the Bone - Russell Banks. Watchmen - Alan Moore. Yes Yes Y'All: the Oral History of Hip-Hop's First Decade - Jim Fricke, et al. the Zinn Reader - Howard Zinn.
Bill Murray in Broken Flowers.