Music, Happiness, Vani, Photography, Tubing the New River, Recording, Mandolin, Virginia, Bass FX, Working on Guitars, Coffee, there must be more...
Warren Hayes is the last guy on the list...but I did get to play a couple of his guitars.
Music Documentaries, Fight Club, The Breakfast Club, Anything involving Eddie Izzard, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Star Wars, Kevin Smith Movies, The Blues Brothers, I usually like most movies in fact.
The Simpsons, Monster House, Family Guy...i actually don't have a tv anymore...Grey Anatomy, Weeds, Myth Busters I watch online
Songwriters on Songwriting, Hi-Fidelity, Cash, How to Eat Fried Worms
My Dad, Dave Grohl, Prince, Louis Landry, Bobby McCoullough, Ryan Adams, Kurt Cobain, Rivers Cuomo, Travis Barker, Lou Reed, Keith Moon, and those about to rock...i salute you