Christopher profile picture


my wavelengths are unchanged!

About Me

my distaste for religious america threatens to overpower my love of cuddly critters.

My Interests

analog. animals. argue. birds. bunnies. cast iron skillet. cats. caves. cedar. celluloid. communicating. concluding. contemplating. cooking. cooking to eat. dogs. DOGS! driving. eating. figuring. film. ghosts. giving in. going down. halloween. haunting. hiking means walking where there are trees. hunting (ghosts). irony. judging. kissing. lakes. large casms. loving. macintosh. maintain human contact and dignity. math. media. mountains. music. napping. natural history. ocean. outside. poltergeists. privacy. problems. putting down. reading. sarcasm. shoes. singing. stars. staying up. sweatshirts. swimming. therm-a-rest. time. touching. trees. trying. underwater. vinyl. walking. watch the tense. zombies.

I'd like to meet:

science minded individuals


there's no real need for a list. i'm a total music snob who likes kenny loggins. i am at this point a proverbial musical hobo, or perhaps a musical hermit. i'm a musical something or other with a beard who screams "get off my lawn" when people talk about music.


same thing with movies. my love of bad horror is at an all time high.i blog about them here:


i'm coming to terms with the horrible television that i watch. daily show. family guy. ghost hunters. i shouldn't be alive. modern marvels. most haunted. myth busters. real world. road rules. south park. viva la bam


tim powers. kurt vonnegut.


don knotts

My Blog

the many adventures of the kitten

this morning as katie was getting ready for work and i was in the process of going back to sleep, the kitten was sitting in the windowsill. this is not uncommon, as both cats enjoy hanging out and loo...
Posted by Christopher on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:21:00 PST

skunks and snakes

i'm home from another weekend adventure for my "job".four days around kernville, with 2 days spent backpacking up the kern river from the johnsondale bridge and another night and day spent in a beauti...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:14:00 PST

rest easy long beach, i found the perfect donut shop

jerry's donuts at the corner of PCH and Clark, in the Hole Mole shopping center is open 24 hours, has their cases fully stocked at 2 pm on a wednesday, and makes a killer version of the elusive white ...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:04:00 PST

good morning long beach

this morning, after passing out early last night from my three beer limit, katie and i awoke with thoughts of breakfast in our heads.we tried out a new place (for us, via ashleigh) called the omlette ...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:50:00 PST

her name is...

callisto.her coloring looks just like my favorite moon of is a picture:i'll have pictures of MY callisto up soon....
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 01:17:00 PST

why i have the best job in the entire world

today we got a call as the park naturalists for the city of santa ana stating that there was a red tailed hawk swooping down and attacking people near the courthouse in downtown.we were at lunch at th...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 19 May 2007 08:11:00 PST

because i know two ladies that rule, and i can't think well enough to do homework

survey from l.alle via ms. and jesus go out to dinner - who pays?fuck dinner. jesus and don knotts go fishing. somebody on the shore witnessess jesus with his hand over the side of the boat,...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST

cross your fingers

katie and i got a place. technically we don't move in until the 1st, but we have paid a deposit and everything. the luck we have had, i wouldn't be surprised if something were still going to happen to...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 03:41:00 PST

if they do it i have to do it

1. Where were you an hour ago?in traffic on my way to work. not a glorious thing for a friday morning. 2. Who will be your next kiss?katie, unless frances starts to warm up to me real quick3. Is there...
Posted by Christopher on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 09:27:00 PST

back to school

so after months of preparation, i started school this week. i like the campus and the instructors i have are 3/4 awesome. however, i sat next to some large ladies in the cafeteria yesterday and was su...
Posted by Christopher on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:10:00 PST