My favorite...
...Sexual Position(s) is 69 or doggie
...Porno Movie(s) are anything with Brandi Taylor
...Sexual Activity(s) is foreplay
...Sex Partner(s) is duh
...Hot Celeb(s) is kenny chesney-brandy taylor
...Time(s) of the day for sex is mourning
...Part(s) of the opposite sex' body is eyes
...Place(s) to have sex is ANYWHERE!!
...Sex Game(s) is All of them
...Porn Website(s) is
Interest Table Creator provided by We both enjoy drag racing! But most of all we enjoy each other!!
Real freinds that don't try to make problems!!!! People that are real not just act like they like you and as soon as you turn your back are trying to start troubles...
Depends on what mood we are in!!
About anything from sappy to funny..
House, crossing jordan, pinks, dog the bounty hunter,and he likes wrestling....
What are those?
All the people that have stood by us through everything!!! You know who you are!!